Finally something

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"Hey, what do we have now?" I asked Greg. "Bio, how could you forget? You have Ashton only 3 meters and that's the closest u will ever be with him". "I don't like him, h-he's not my type ok" I was trying to suck in my cheeks so that I wouldn't blush or show that I'm angry only to realize that I looked so stupid. "Ya rite, every time he's around you stare at him like he's a unicorn". "I hate you u know that don't you" I say."SO U ADMIT IT" Greg almost shouted. "I'm just gonna walk to bio"I said walking away while trying to hide my embarrassment.

I was walking through the school corridors to bio class when I heard a something crunch under my converse. I moved my foot to find a metal worm the size of a pinkie twitching. A metal-worm thingamajig was the dumbest idea for a physics project and something was abnormal about this I mean why would someone want to make is it some sort techno worm unless it is some sort of camera for stalkers.Being a total geek I couldnt help but to kinow more about this cyborg worm and fangirl about it to greg so I picked up the techno-worm that was still twitching and showed into my jeans pocket so that I could show Greg after bio. Realizing that I might be late I ran to bio.

Miss Cath was the best science teacher I've had. It's not because she was nice or anything. It was because she always made sure her students learn something in the end of the day. However today it was quite difficult since I still had the techno-worm twitching uncontrollably and trying to wiggle out. It got out and was trying hard to move. I crunched it under the sole of my sneakers and put it on my table. Waiting for the end of the lesson impatiently for my class to end.

Finally after what seemed like hours, the bell finally rang. I packed my bags as fast and as neatly as i could. Ashton was done packing and was about to walk pass my table, I can sense when he's around as though i have a radar inside me made just for him ( which pretty much pleased me and frustrated me equally ). He came by and my radar was on a red alert mode. His aqua green eyes caught the metal worm creature and he spoke to me for the first time " I think I've seen that ". "You have?" I said surprised by my confidence. "Nah,its probably something else never mind it for a moment i thought it was a really small rocket or something like that. I guess your brain goes completely sci fi if you have a star wars marathon at the middle of the night" he said and with that with that he walked away.

I couldn't believe what I heard he and I couldn't possibly have something in common we are two different people living in two different worlds and even if we did have something it cant possibly be star wars. After a while I decided to think about Ashton later because I have to meet Greg.

I rushed out and walked towards the ict room where Greg was walking out with his friends. Unlike me Greg wasn't a anti-social weirdo because he knew how to talk to people and he was actually very good looking he was tall and had messy bronze curls for hair and under his thick black rimmed glasses he had light hazel eyes that came with thick lashes that any girl would die for. He had pale skin that was wet so well with his hair and he had a sort of lean build which i have no idea from where he got. Girls in our school do check him out from time to time but he doesn't bother to notice and i don't bother to ask because it may lead to weird questions like "are you gay?"

Greg noticed me and broke off from his group of friends and walked towards me and said "hey why don't we go to Starbucks, my treat?" he had his goofy little smile on his face which meant something good had happened and coffee attracts me like a flame to a moth, so I replied "Oh, you always now how to treat a lady, but i have to get to my locker first." glad that I had more time to talk about the metal worm with him."Okay,can I meet you there I have someone there I need to see?" he asked."Sure, ill be there soon." and with that with that we both walked away.

the walk from my school to the local Starbucks was hardly even three minuets and I remember the route every sign and traffic light so clearly that I can read and walk at the same time without even looking. I guess its a gift like how some people are good at sports or can paint a masterpiece under 5 minuets, I can read and walk without needing to look up at reality at all.

When i walk into Starbucks the heavenly smell of good coffee beans fills the atmosphere around me. I take a deep breath letting the coffee smell sting my nose. I and Greg spend alot of time here after school to study or just to read and we sort of know the staff here because we come here in a regular basis. Greg was only a few tables away from the entrance and was sitting next to a guy wearing a suit. He looked like like a human version of a ken doll with perfect brown hair and blue eyes and flawless skin which I wished I had. I walked towards Greg confused at why he would have anything to with Mr.Perfect. Greg spoke with an rather unusually formal tone "Karen i'd like you to meet Mr.Harkness. He helps high school students find good colleges or universities for their further studies." Mr. Harkness spoke in a very deep and extremely manly voice"Hello, I have to leave now but I would like to arrange another meet so that i can know more about the both of you" He said packing up lots of papers and university brochures huridly into a suitcase. I was watching him pack untill something caught my eye it was a metal worm just like the one I found and and before I could get a good look he shut his suitcase and rushed out of the coffee shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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