Part 5~ The Art and Media club

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"Nope, we are going! I don't care what you say, I have no friends here as I'm new and you should make more!" Maia just crossed her arms and scowled like a child. "Oh come on, you know it will be fun and you deserve the absolute world so that includes friends!"

"I have friends. I have you."

"Doesn't count." It looked as though Maia was about to protest so Ellie stepped in again. "What if we become something other than friends then who will you have?" 😉 A faint blush spread over Maia's cheeks at that thought.

"I-I-I" Maia started stuttering, causing a smirk to slowly arise on Ellie's face. "Fine!" Maia groaned. Ellie collapsed next to Maia on the sofa; leaning against her side, with Maia's arm on the back of the sofa behind her. Ellie looked up and smiled sweetly at Maia, causing another blush to grace her cheeks. "Don't you give me that look!" Maia said playfully whilst wrapping her arm around Ellie protectively.

What is going on with me right now, all she did was smiling and now I'm a mess! Maia asks herself.

I never thought that she could get any cuter, but that blush is... Wow!

They sat there, comfortable in each others presence for an hour until Ellie jumped up and pulled Maia with her. "Come on, time to leave." Maia followed Ellie aimlessly, being distracted by the feeling of Ellie's hand clasping hers.

When they got there, there was roughly about 6 people there already and the class was due to start in 5 minutes so they took two seats which were on the far left of the room.

The class was actually the most boring the that they had ever taken part in but they met some knew people in the 2 hours that they were supposed to be creating some media thing and traded numbers.

"Do you want to go out for lunch and skip the next bit of this because lets be real, this isn't great." The girls agreed, laughing so the couple and their new friends James, Grace and Tom went out for lunch.

Lunch was going really well, they were all laughing having fun then Grace asked "So how long have you two been together?" Maia blushed and stuttered slightly so Ellie took it upon herself to answer.

"We aren't actually together. Yet." She whispered the last part so only grace heard and it so she nodded and smiled knowingly, apologizing profusely for her assumption.

After mains but before desert, Maia and Grace went to the bathroom whilst James went to get some more drinks from the bar, leaving Tom and Ellie alone.

"So, I caught your little 'yet' earlier. You got plans to take that further? 😉"

Ellie blushed a bit. "Well yeah, I think so but I'm just not sure how I'm gonna do that and stuff. Like ahhhh what if she says no?"

Tom laughs. "She isn't gonna say no. It's clear she really likes you."

"Maybe I will ask her out later. I'll text you how it goes." Just as she says this James heads back to the table so Tom just nods and smiles.

Meanwhile, Grace and Maia are in the bathroom, having a heart to heart.

"So, I caught your blush and stutter earlier when I said about you being together. What you feeling?"

"I do like her. And we had a moment before we went to that stupid club thing when we were on the sofa but I just don't know if she would want me because like I'm a bit of a mess and stuff." Maia speaks fairly quickly with a shrug at the end but all Grace is doing is beaming at her.

"She likes you to Maia. That is clear to see. You should talk to her, ask her out. You only live once." They both laugh slightly before heading back to the table.

Once back to the table, Maia took her seat next to Ellie, their hands interlocking slightly as they collided. Maia looked at their hands for a second then just as she was about to let go, Ellie held her hand tighter. A light blush spread across her cheeks and her smile grew larger.

The rest of the meal went uneventfully with plans to meet again soon. Maia and Ellie decided to take advantage of the nice evening and went for a walk through the park as the sun set.

The scene was picturesque, with the sky a shade of pink and barely any clouds. It was perfect.

Ellie looked into Maia's eyes that sparkled in the sunset. She took a deep breath "Maia, I was wondering if you wanted to take this further and maybe go on a-"

"SHIT!" And with that Maia grabbed Ellie and ran.

An~ heyyyy sorry it has actually been forever, I've been working but I'm gonna be relaxing over summer so I'll be able to get some writing done~C xxxxxxx

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