Part 5.

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I'm offered a stick, but I don't need it, I approach the girl and stop about 3 feet in front of her, she looks up at me and I look down at her.

She looks so young, how did she get caught up in all of this?

I see a look of curiosity on her face, as she examines my face, I smile. She takes a step backwards and readies her stick "Aren't you gonna get a sparring stick?" "No need, I have Mjolnir." She raises an eyebrow at me, as I raise my trusty hammer in my hand "You're gonna hit me with a hammer?" "Yes." She shrugs "Well, okay then." She readies herself and aims at me. The fight goes on for a while, neither of us getting hits on each other.

She is a very worthy opponent.

Eventually she tires, I knock the stick from her hands and aim to hit her in the torso, but she holds out a hand to stop Mjolnir, to my surprise, my hammer doesn't move any closer to her. I freeze, unsure of what to do, she gives me an odd look, then grabs Mjolnir from me and hits me in the chest with it. I go flying across the room and slam through a wall, I land on my back in the corridor.


I push myself to my feet and stagger through the hole in the wall, I make my way over to my friends, who are slowly closing in on the girl, who is admiring Mjolnir "You. Are. Worthy." Everyone looks to me, I catch my breath and stop a few feet in front of the girl "Uh... what?" Then the rich one speaks "She's worthy, this is so cool. Wait, but I thought it was just a trick, how come none of us can lift it, but she can?" He starts to sulk "I do not know. But she is fit to rule Asgard." Her eyes widen, when she speaks, her voice is clearer, her accent more exaggerated "No thanks! I don't wanna be in charge of nothin', I'd just mess it up!" She shoves my hammer back into my hands and takes a step backwards.

Why does she seem so familiar? I recognise that accent, I'm sure of it!

I take another look at her, pale skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes.

Have I met her before?

I open my mouth to speak, but the Director beats me to it "This is incredible, you're capable of taking on a super soldier and an Asgardian, with his own weapon. And you don't seem to be lying about your opinions on HYDRA, so I'm offering you a job. Would you like to become a SHIELD Agent?" "But you barely know me." "Of course we'd have to get to know you, I still have many questions, but consider the offer." She nods "I'll think 'bout it." "Good. Agent Romanoff, show Miss Spark to a shower and get her a change of clothes, then meet us in the break room for dinner." "Yes, Sir." The two females leave the room together, the Captain and myself also take a shower before eating.

On the walk down to this room, she tells me everyone's names, realising I hadn't been introduced to them all properly. I get out of the shower and dry my body off, I then take a look at the clothes they've given me, a pair of black leggings and a grey tank top, I get dressed, then pull on my boots and gloves. I fold up my HYDRA clothes and place them on the bed, which Agent Romanoff said is where I'll be staying. I step out of the room and  spot her at the end of the corridor, I barely take a few steps before she looks up and notices me. I make my way over to her and we get in the elevator "On your hunting missions, as you called them, you don't have to sneak around, do you?" I sigh.

She heard me from the end of the corridor?

"Never 'ave been very light on my feet, but never needed to be. I don't mind if my targets see me comin', I'm still gonna to kill 'em." She shrugs "If you change your mind and want someone to help you be more sneaky, let me know." "Thanks, Romanoff." "You can call me Natasha." "I think I'll just stick with Romanoff for now." We step out of the elevator and walk into a room filled with all the people from earlier, I look at each one and match the names to the faces. The hammer guy is Thor, the Asgardian. The one with the eye patch is Fury, the Director. The man with the curly greying hair is Dr Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

She said the Hulk is some big green guy, sounds kinda cool.

The one who was in the Iron Man suit, who's now in normal clothes, is Tony Stark, a rich man. The one who was in the blue outfit, who I floored multiple times, is Steve Rogers, Captain America. Then there's Romanoff's best friend, Clint Barton, Hawkeye, who shot an arrow at me. And lastly, Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, the only female. She walks me over to some food, I collect a plate and serve myself some spaghetti and a glass of water. I sit between her and richie, I see everyone staring at me "So, I know you're all buzzing with your questions by the looks on your faces, so ask away."

Here we go again.

It's not like it was on the journey here, chaos, this time they go around the table, each asking a question "How old are you?" "19." "We've noticed when you're angry or shocked you're accent becomes more obvious, but I still can't tell where it comes from." "Not a clue, like I've already said, I've been at the base for as long as I can remember." "Do you remember your childhood?" "Some of it, I don't remember when I was really young, because it was too long ago, but I remember when I first started interrogating and I was pretty young then." "Who's your favourite out of each of us?" The Director glares and shouts at him "STARK!" He holds his hands up in surrender, I barely hold back my laughter.

Maybe this wont be so bad, they seem nice.

"I'm serious." "Well I don't really know any of you. Romanoff told me a little bit, but I don't actually know any of you." "What did she said about us?" "Her and her best friend Barton are assassins, they've been at SHIELD longer than the rest of the Avengers. The Director doesn't tell people about his personal life and if I lie to him he'll know." He sends me a small smile "The Captain's a war hero, who is very out of time and is 'apparently' super strong." Richie laughs "The Doctor can do science and medical stuff, he's quiet, but nice." I notice a glance between the two.


"Then there's Thor, a God from another planet, who has a brother who's from a different planet, Thor has a hammer, which he treasures. Finally there's you, Richie, a know it all, smart-ass who likes to get people in bed and makes Iron Man suits, that aren't actually made out of Iron." He looks at me, a little impressed, I ignore it and turn to my food, I eat a fork full.

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