Chapter 4

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I reached Even's building just as the sun set and pressed the buzzer a few times quickly. He had to let me in. I was hoping he he'd be alone, but it was Sonja who let me in. "Oh," I greeted her intelligently. "Hi," she said bluntly and walked past me into the hallway, leaving me even more confused. Then Even appeared in the doorway, and I stopped thinking about Sonja. His hair was bedhead-messy (though I liked it like that) and he looked like he'd been sleeping up until this moment. But his eyes were bright, they always were.

"You know, it's pretty hard for me to leave you alone if you show up at my own house." He sounded tired. And sad. I moved at little closer. "I know, I – I didn't mean it when I said those things, Even," I told him, trying to keep my voice steady and my eyes fixated on his. He seemed to be considering his words before he spoke: "I know what Sonja told you. I just – you shouldn't come just because you pity me. I don't need that." I was startled. I'd never thought of pitying him, not for a second. Did he really think, I was thinking badly of anyone but myself and my own reaction to his illness? I stepped closer – I was right in front of him, and I looked him in the eye. "I would never pity you, Even," it came out almost as a whisper. His face was only a few inches from mine. Then he stepped back. "I don't understand this, Isak. Let me be perfectly clear. I told you something extremely personal about myself to let you know exactly who I was, and then you acted as if I were toxic for half a year? What do you even want?" His voice was angry, but mostly it was hurt, and it broke my heart. It was all or nothing. "I wanted you, I – I always did, but when you told me you were bipolar, I didn't know if you'd want me too." He just looked confused now. "Why wouldn't I want you?" he asked less angrily. "Because I'd be trying to help you and take care of you, and I know how much you hate that, when Sonja does it. You'd see me as controlling and bossy and – and I, well I don't want that. Besides, I don't know how to cheer you up, when you're depressed or convince you that you're not alone." My throat felt dry, my hands sweaty. Even looked at me astounded. Then he carefully placed his hand on my cheek, and the touch sent a shiver down my back. His hands were cold. "The only way," he said quietly, "Is you being honest with me, like you were just now. That's all."

I couldn't stand it anymore. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him towards me gently. Our lips were barely apart, and he cupped my face and looked me in the eye. Then his lips met mine, and the touch was soft and light as a feather, and I wanted more – so much more. I pulled his body close and wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. His hands went down my sides and he pressed me against the wall. The kisses became deeper and more passionate, and it felt as if the air had become thicker, and we had to gasp to catch out breaths. He started kissing my face, kissing my neck, tracing his hands all over my body. I didn't want him to stop. "I'm gay, so definitely gay," I chuckled in a gasp for air. He laughed and pushed his hands through my hair. "I'm glad," he said.

We spent the next few hours in bed talking and kissing, which, according to me, was a great combination. He told me about his periods of excitement and depression and how he tried to handle it. I told him about my family. "Usually, Sonja would call me every hour during my depression. I wouldn't recommend it, not when it comes to paying the telephone bill," he smiled at me and pulled me closer with the arm he had wrapped around me. "Shit!" I remembered, "What are you telling Sonja? About this I mean?" He just kept on caressing my face. "We broke up just before you arrived; you met her in the hallway, right?" he said, "But anyway, I'll probably tell her about my new boyfriend." Yes, I liked the sound of that. I laughed and climbed on top of him, kissing those soft lips of his and tugging at his shirt. I was gay and in love. I couldn't wait to tell Eskild about this, but then Even lost the shirt and suddenly my thoughts were nowhere near Eskild nor anyone else.

I woke up in Evens arms, and I realized I'd never slept so well before. He was already awake, and he stared caressing my face – he seemed to really like that along with eskimo kisses. "Hey," he said in his morning voice. "Hey," I replied, and we just lay there with our intertwined bodies and beating hearts looking each other in the eye. That is until we eventually gave in and started kissing again. And I thought about how happy I was not to have followed Sonja's advice about becoming friends with Even. This was so much better than being just friends.

Author's note

Thank you so much for reading! This was my first story in Wattpad, and I hope you enjoyed it. It was pretty short, I know, so let me know if you liked it and if you'd like me to write similar stuff in the future.
~ JD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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