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Sierra Anderson

Waking up to a view is the perfect way to wake up. And no, I am not talking about the view outside the window of the island. Even though it is amazing. I am talking about the view of my shirtless prince next to me with his arms wrapped securely around my waist making me feel safe.

After yesterday's day at the beach, we went out to eat and walk around, exploring. We both ended up lazily passed out on the bed. Jay and I both needed sleep, especially with the major time difference. A eleven freaking hour difference. Oh my.

Lazily, I unwrapped myself from Jay's hold after a few minutes of struggling. My guy has a grip. Walking down the stairs to the kitchen, that I found without a struggle, thankfully. I was greeted by a middle age women who took my by surprise.

"Uh- hello?"

"Oh! Hello dear, would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"It's okay. I will just get it myself." I started walking to the coffee machine.

"Nonsense! Now what would you like in your coffee?" She stopped me and started making coffee after replying to her question. Cream, sugar, and caramel is the way to go. Especially when it's iced. Realizing I didn't get her name, I asked.

"Sorry, dear, it's Mary" She gave me a kind smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm S-"

"Sierra. I know who you are. Your the one who made that kid up there laugh for once.

"You are close to Jay?"

"I have known that boy since he was a little one. Never seen him smile nor laugh that much til he met you" I didn't know he wasn't alway like that. Yes, he said he had and sometimes still does have a bad boy reputation, but did he really not smile as much?

While sipping on my coffee and having a nice conversation with Mary, mostly about Jay and Thailand. Apparently, her family is from here, but she was born in the UK, where she came to meet the royal family.

"I hope you two aren't talking shit about me" Jay came down to steps wrapping his arms around my waist along with nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Language." Mary scolded, hitting Jay behind the head.

"Sorry". Jay mumbled into my neck.

"So. What's the plans for today?" Turning around to face Jay while speaking.

"You'll see, but go get dressed something comfortable, that's all I am telling you about the plans." After a long and annoyed groan I went up to take a nice and needed shower.

"I'll join you in the shower in a second." With that, I speed walked up the stairs to get in the shower. I knew he was joking but I couldn't help but blush at the thought. Oh my god he said that in front of Mary. This is so embarrassing. What would she think of me now?

After my shower, I wrapped my towel around my body, walking into the bedroom to retrieve my clothing. Shit, I didn't think he'd be in here.

"Damn." Grabbing the closest thing to me, a shoe, I chucked it at his head.

"Bloody hell" Jay blurted. I won't lie, I felt bad, that's got to hurt.

"That's what you get for your comment."

"Hey, I can't help it, you're beautiful and mine." He stated getting up and wrapping his arms around me.

"Ok, ok. I have to get changed so will you please let go." Surprisingly he didn't hold up a fight.

Grabbing my clothes which consisted of black leggings and a light shade of yellow cropped t-shirt, along with some white sneakers, I got changed in the bedroom. Jay was in the shower, therefore I was alone in the room. Sitting on the vanity, I applied minimum makeup. While in the middle of my makeup I got a phone call from my mom. I haven't had the chance to speak to her, so I am really happy she called. Answering, I put the phone to speaker laying it on the vanity, continuing my makeup.


"Sierra!" Good thing the phone was on speaker and not near my ear. Wait, that's not only my mom.

"Liv, Meghan?"

"And your mom, sweetie."

"I know, just checking. I miss you guys."

"We miss you more Sierra. How's Thailand?" Meghan asked.

"Amazing. The view is gorgeous and let me tell you, this house is enormous." Now realizing that Jay has gotten out of the shower, shirtless, wearing just pants. Damn. He's like a god. Introducing himself over the phone to my mom and friends, they got into a conversation, leaving me to french braid my hair.

After hanging up with my friends and mom; my step-dad somewhere, we were now on our way to who knows where. The drive was somewhat long. An hour or so. As usual, the guards were with us for safety.

Pulling into a long road, I saw a sign which read "Welcome to Elephant Jungle Sanctuary".

No freaking way.

"Jay, you're not serious are you?"

"Oh, yes I am." He said giving his normal smirk. I couldn't help but squeal. Yes, squeal. All my life I've always wanted to see elephants and interact with them. Unfortunately, the zoo in my hometown hasn't had elephants in years, so I never truly had the chance to see them. This is way better than a zoo.

Hours later, and let's just say that was the best experience in my life. It was something I will never, ever forget.

Jay and I got the chance to feed and bathe each of our own elephants as well as learn a lot about each and everyone one of them. Let's just say, I have never been more interested in learning anything until now. Elephants are so interesting and beautiful. Showering with the elephants was a blast, especially the part where Jay got hit with water, making everyone laugh. Guards included. This however didn't end well for me, I ended up soaked after being dumped in the water by non other than Prince Jason of the UK.


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