Chapter 1

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Basically, there were these stones. Ten of them. They had been hidden for centuries, lost in a cave full of wonders. One day some people came across the cavern and saw the wonders inside. They ran back home to tell their friends and family and together the people all ventured into the cave.

Once they were inside, they noticed more wonders. There were so many wonders to be seen that the stones seemed very insignificant. Who cared about some rocks?

Inside the cave they saw a glowing orb. One man touched the glowing orb and suddenly a voice rang out through the cave. "Mortals! I have no wish to hurt you. You all have kindness in your hearts. This cave is full of wonders that will help your people! It will help you evolve and advance in your ways of life. With this knowledge, you may each take one object, or a specified collection of objects back to your world with you, but if you disobey this rule the object in your possession will crumble to dust and priceless knowledge will be lost! You may stay here for as long as you like but know that time is passing in the outside world. While you will stay young or old, your friends and family outside will perish. Proceed with your choices."

The people took one look at each other, then all broke out in grins. They moved slowly around the cave, taking their time with each object. When they weren't sure what an object was or did, the voice would explain it to them.

After two days, everyone had chosen an object. They collected their objects, one by one, then moved to the centre of the cave where the glowing orb sat.

One man didn't choose an object. Instead, he decided to stay in the cave, believing that the pursuit of knowledge for future generations was more important than his need for company. He hugged his friends and family and sat on the ground beside the glowing orb, waving as his people walked out of the cave with their objects, back into the sunshine.

The man spent many years in the cave. He never needed food, or sleep, or water. He examined each object and studied its properties closely. Sometimes he found ways to improve the objects.

Eventually, the man got to the stones. It had been at least 500 years since his people had left and he was sure that this was the last object in the cave. "Saving the best till last, hey?" he said to the orb. "Maybe, maybe..." the orb replied in a mysterious voice.

The man examined the stones and found that if you threw them to the ground, it summoned a being or spirit. Half called themselves gladiators, duellers of the spirit race. The other half were peaceful beings, convinced that fighting was never the answer.

The man decided to combine the two halves of the stones to create the perfect mix. They created five elements. The man chose to make earth, fire, air and water. For the fifth element he chose to create a being of life. None can survive without the others. They all became each other's companions and stayed in the cave, learning from the man for another hundred years.

After all that time, the man decided that he wanted to die. Not because he was unhappy, but because he had learned enough and wanted to see his people again. He asked the orb to help him, and the orb said yes. "But first," the man said "I have chosen my item. I'd like to release these spirit stones into the world to experience life for themselves. They will find companions who will discover the secrets of the stones and will become stone-bearers!"

The orb thought for a minute, then said "Alright. That is a very reasonable request. I shall send the stones out into the world, but only those of pure heart and great kindness will recognise them for what they are. Others may use them but they will never unlock their true powers." The man thanked the orb and said goodbye to his friends. One by one his friends dissapeared, along with the cave around him. Only the orb stayed the same.

Suddenly his people appeared! They ran to him and hugged him and thanked the orb for returning him to them.

The stones were cast out into the world for people to find.

The people who found them became the stone-bearers.

The original stones became the elementals.

The stones were duplicated and more were created and it was made into a game. A duel you might say.

I used to go to a school where we learn to use spirit stones. It was called elemental high. I've since then been transferred to a different school where I am sitting in my room reading my book on the elementals.

I have a secret.

I am an elemental. I am a stone bearer.

My name is Jasmin Rose. I have powers beyond belief . I have to hide them every day of my life.

Sometimes I can't control them. Sometimes people see me using them and call me a freak. Sometimes people try to kill me.

I really don't want to go to school today.

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