[Fluff] Male Reader x Hibana

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Requested by: @KingKittyXOXO I hope I was able to surprise you lol


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

A few others, along with Yumiko and I just came back from wiping out the hostiles and successfully extracting a hostage.

Correction, an annoying hostage. And I wished Shuhrat was with us.

We all seemed to be pretty tired from the task that Six provided us, and some still annoyed. But Six let us go home and take a break for a week because of all the missions we've done so far.

And I was gonna spend a few hours with Yumiko and enjoying a movie.

Just as soon as I finished setting some food and tidying up a bit, I heard a knock on my door.

"Coming!" I called out and went over to the door. I opened the door knob to see Yumiko standing in the doorway.

"Welcome!" I smiled at her.

"Hey, so what movie are we gonna watch?" she asked and walked through the doorway.

"I haven't really decided but I'll let you choose!" I replied as both of us sat on couch.

"Well this is your tv, you get to choose!" She said.

"But you're the guest!" I laughed.

"But- fine, I'll choose." She laughed after, a bright smile showed on her face.

"Hmm... what about a scary movie? Oh! Let's watch this one!" She pointed to a movie called 'Truth or Dare'. 

I looked over at her and she seemed pretty excited when we were able to watch the movie.

"Have you seen any of the trailers of this?" I asked in a curious tone.

"No, but it looked scary so why not watch it, right?" She asked.

"You've got a point, but this doesn't seem too bad." I laughed, with a hitch of nervousness.

During the movie.

"OH GOD, HE ACTUALLY CUT HIS TONGUE OFF?!" I yelled, my eyes wide.

I looked over at Yumiko who was holding on one of the pillows next to her.

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIS TONGUE BEING CHOPPED OFF!" She hid her eyes behind the pillow as the movie continued.

All of a sudden she let go of the pillow and hugged on to me instead, which caught me a bit off guard. I hugged her back and told her that the scene of that finished.

She loosens her grip a little later and looks up at the screen again. Only witnessing another horrific scene.

I hugged her closer and we both still watched the movie.

After the movie

"I take it back when I said it wouldn't be too bad of a scare. And you got so scared when some of the scenes came up." I laughed.

"Hey! You were screaming too!" She replies, making a point that she wasn't the only one who was scared.

"Not saying it was a bad thing, it was just cute!" I chuckle.

I realize what I said and look over at Yumiko that has a visible pink color on her cheeks.

"I-I mean, sorry if I w-was screaming or anything, haha." I try not to make the aura around us a little less embarrassing.

"But I really enjoyed the movie, even if it was scary." She laughs and inches closer to give me a little kiss on the cheek.

I was speechless for a moment from the sudden action snapped back to reality and replied with a, "Welcome!"

We both laughed and I waved Yumiko a goodbye before she went to spend her break at her home.


Really sorry if that was pretty short! It's kinda my first time doing one of these so sorry if there may be any mistakes or if you didn't enjoy. Q_Q 

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