[Fluff] Male Reader x Dokkaebi

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Requested by: @Foodureit

I really wonder how this story is gonna go haha xD 


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was sitting in my office which was next to Gustave's office, too. Working on a few documents (See what I did there?) on my desk until I hear a buzz coming from my white jacket. I take a hold of my phone and see that Grace was calling me.

What would she need at this time, honestly?

I take a deep breath in and sigh from how many times she's called me before while I was working. As the phone in my hand keeps buzzing I simply ignore it and in hopes that she wouldn't keep bothering me too much.

A moment of time goes by quickly and I organize the papers into a folder to place them into a drawer under my desk. Feeling exhausted, I yawn and head to where my dorm is.

I change into some more comfortable clothes before throwing my body onto the bed. Soon after that, it didn't take that long for me to go into deep sleep.

~ Next Morning ~

My alarm goes off loudly and I groan. I place a hand on the alarm clock and it finishes beeping. Standing up, I go to take a quick shower before getting into some appropriate attire.

Dokkaebi's P.O.V

I frown at the all the messages and calls (Y/N) hadn't answered before. I get up from my bed and go over knock at his door.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Can I talk to you?" I ask in a happy tone.

I hear no response from the other side so I decide to open the door.


"(Y/N)! Are you there?"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I finished changing into something fitting and picked up a towel to dry my hair. The sound of my door opens and I look up to see who it was.

"(Y/N)! Are you there?" someone asks

I look over at them while my towel drapes over my neck.


"What do you need, Grace?" I sigh. She looks up at me and holds her trusting phone in her hand.

"I just wanted to ask why you weren't responding to my calls or messages." She pouts.

Because you kept bothering me.

"I probably think that my phone was on silent." I lie, not wanting to sound so harsh about my first thought.

"Hmm... Are you... lying?" She asks and approaches closer to inspect me.

"Why would I lie about not answering you?" I ask. Well, it felt like a question towards me instead to her.

"Okay!" She easily shrugs it off and gives me a genuine smile before walking out the door.

For the whole time I've been at Team Rainbow, everyone's really nice towards me and to each other. I think most are, at least. But the person who really stood out and cared for me the most was Grace, really. I've been ignoring her sometimes and didn't feel anything about it. Now, I don't know how I'm feeling about ignoring her. 

I look over at my calendar beside me and see that Halloween is coming up pretty soon. And I know that Six is probably going to give us a break that day unless something important pops up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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