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Sol didn't know what to make of the female wolf -Artemis.

Artemis didn't seem to remember much of her childhood, or where she came from or even what had happened to her, but all she seemed to know was that her name was Artemis and she was born on 21st August 1996. This made her twenty-one in age.

This made her only three years younger than him.

It had been about a week since she had turned into her human form, and Sol still didn't know what to make of her. He had been helping her out, trying to teach her everything that she had missed out on as a child. For some strange reason, it seemed that all her memories had been completely wiped, only remembering the bare minimum such as how to take a shower and how to walk with one foot in front of the other.

Sol looked up briefly, his eyes trailing over the sofa, content with the fact that she was sitting there and watched the TV. He was sure that she didn't have much idea how America's Got Talent worked, but he was also sure that she would get the hang of it very soon.

Artemis was dressed in one of his black Nike hoodies and a pair of his silky boxers. His clothes were big on her so he had helped her roll up the waistband of the boxers and push up the sleeves so that they no longer hung over his fingers.

She didn't seem to mind the clothes, but Sol knew that he would have to get her, her own clothes soon.

The hardest part of all was trying to explain to her why she couldn't just walk around the house naked. After several failed attempts, Sol had straight come out and said that he wouldn't be able to control his primal, male instincts to mate with her if she constantly flaunted herself in front of him.

That also meant that he had to give her the sex talk.

That sure was awkward.

Sol was just glad that she didn't ask too many questions, but he made a mental note to ask Diana to have a word with her this weekend when they went over to visit.

One, he wanted Artemis to be fully aware of the basics, especially some of the female stuff that he might have missed. Sol had considered telling her about getting periods and what not, but he figured that it would be best if it came from a fellow female wolf. He sure wouldn't be able to answer any questions regarding the topic.

Two, Sol wanted Artemis to spend some time around other wolves. There was also the fact that he wanted her to get checked out by Clark's pack doctor too, just to make sure that everything was fine. There were also some unanswered questions that he wished for the doctor to address.


Her name was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the woman herself.

Sol sighed and finished cutting the crusts off the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that he was making for her. It seemed that her palette had changed significantly now that she was in her human form. She still ate meat but preferred more of a variety of foods now that she wasn't in her wolf form. It was good that she was eating healthy and getting all her proteins and nutrients, but this also meant that Sol had to go out grocery shopping much more usually than his once every two weeks. Which also meant that he would have to take the female wolf -Artemis- with him since he didn't trust her to be okay by herself while he was gone.

That, and they had been spending every minute of everyday together since she had changed back to her human form. Not to mean that, that wasn't happening while she was still in her wolf form.

Sol had also been taking up less hours at his part time job at the garage in the city, and when he had been going in, he had taken Artemis with him.

Not that she minded

Artemis was more than happy to follow him everywhere, but Sol wasn't happy with the way that all guys that he worked with at the garage seemed to fumble over each other to get her attention. But Artemis didn't care about attention. All she cared about was staying with him, speaking with him with her gentle, calm yet slightly husky voice -probably from not using it for so many years, he presumed- and helping him out whenever she could.

Sol was not blind to not notice or be aware of Artemis' angelic yet devilish appearance.

He couldn't explain it.

When she was asleep and when she was interested in something, when she was avidly wanting to know about something and firing questions at him left, right and centre regarding the most probably, yet completely fascinating subject -to her, anyway- Artemis was nothing short of an angel sent from the heavens for him and him only. What most people would find annoying and a waste of time, Sol was more than happy to answer.

It was the way she looked at him, the way she depended on him for answers. Artemis was desperate to learn more about the world and everything that she had missed out on while she was stuck in her human form, and Sol was the perfect person to help her out.

Artemis needed his help to re-discover herself, to learn things about her that she didn't even know existed.

But when he caught her staring, or when she was busy, lost in her own thoughts, Artemis was so damn sexy that Sol was surprised that he had managed to restrain himself around her for so long. The way that she would cock her head to the side when she was thinking hard about something, the way her eyes would light up and twinkle when she was studying something, trying to drink in as much information as possible, or even the way his name rolled off the tip of her tongue.

Sol always had trouble keeping his eyes off from her, and it didn't really help that she pretty much spent all day in his clothes, not even once suggesting or asking for some clothes of her own. Well, it helped that Artemis still struggled with the notion why the state of being undressed was so uncomfortable for him, and the two options were that she either prance around in her birthday suit around him all day, or she immerse herself in all of his over-sized hoodies and tight boxers.

It also seemed that her body had been filling out over the last two weeks, having gained an appetite for food other than raw meat. Artemis had curves in all the right places with a slim waist and small but not completely flat stomach that led to wider hips and a supple, rounded derriere.

Sol had seen her naked more than enough times that he could remember every dip and curve of her body perfectly.

Artemis was a Goddess and she didn't even know it.

It seemed that she was all he could think about these days.

"Sol," a quiet voice called out from the living room, but Sol heard it. "I'm hungry." She whined softly. Sol couldn't stop his heart from melting on the spot at the sound of her cute voice, pleading with him to hurry up, the desperation for food clear.

The sound of her rumbling stomach soon followed.

Sol chuckled lowly to himself and headed into the living room, giving the lady what she wanted.


Layla Knight 


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