Back in Black

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BTW, I don't go into (y/n) a lot until the middle of this one, so please do keep reading! Anyways, if you do want to skip this one and move onto the second chapter, go ahead. But I spent a good deal of time thinking on how to recreate Snape's....interesting personality. So, have at it. 

By the way, (y/n) is any size. I know some authors are the skinny girl stereotype (and I'm not skinny so that kinda defies the purpose of (y/n)....) so I'm having (y/n) being any size. Trust me lovelies, the insides really do count. 

Mainly because they keep you alive. And....I guess the emotion part too. 



"You should be on the last step of your potions by now." Professor Snape instructed. It was the last class of the day at Hogwarts: 5th Year Potions.

"Done?" He was cut off by the apparent sniggering of Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. Both were desperately trying to cover up their laughter with their Gryffindor robes.

"Mr. Weasley!" Snape said in his usual monotone voice, "No...interacting with Potter during my class. 10 points from Gryffindor." There was a collective groan from all the present Gryffindors in the room. Snape noted the crestfallen looks on their faces. How quaint. With his black cloak billowing behind him, he walked through the rows of desks and made sure that all the potions - correct or not - had been completed. He silently walked over to Potter's table and peered over Harry's shoulder. With Potter, one could never be too sure.

"Ron!" Harry exclaimed. "I think I actually got it right this time!"

Ron was too busy cutting black beetle eyes with unneeded precision to pay much attention to him.

"Is that so, Mr. Potter? You think you actually got it this time?" Snape said silkily, looking at Harry who hadn't moved a single muscle. "Well, I will let you know Amortentia should be smooth, not this horrid-smelling lumpy abomination of yours." He continued. "Even with the help of that insufferable know-it-all Granger, you still can't get your tiny brains to grasp it." Snape watched in amusement as Potter's ears went bright pink.

Ron, who had finally finished cutting his beetle eyes noticed the situation, and without thinking, mumbled, "It's not the only abomination in the room. And it smells worse than Harry's potion." Ron quickly realized what he said and immediately shut up.

Harry stared in shock at Ron, who had the same expression on his face. Forget McGonagall's temper, Snape's was about to blow up.

Snape's head snapped in Weasley's direction. "Mr. Weasley, would you care to repeat yourself?" He said through gritted teeth.

Ron had suddenly gone a deathly pale, leaving his dark freckles to make a clear, spotted pattern strewn across his skin. "Uh...."

"Well?!" Snape spat out.

Ron's mouth twitched.

"He said-" Started Harry.

"I don't need your input, Potter." Snape said. "Well, I bet my dad really didn't need yours!" Harry exclaimed.

Snape's already sallow skin somehow paled even more than was thought possible. "Detention, Potter." He said smoothly, glancing at Ron. "And you, Mr. Weasley, shall be accompanying him for that remark you made earlier."

"W-what? He's not involved in this!"

Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "I don't want any lip, Potter. Eight o'clock detention tonight. Do not be late." And with a swish of his cloak, he dismissed the class.

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