Bone and Skin

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Floating in blackness wasn't as bad as you may think.

It felt like flying and having your feet on the ground at the same time. Similar to swimming maybe. The black wasn't as scary as you may think, it was rather peaceful. There was no noise, not even the sound of air moving. I looked up at the grey sky and thought, this isn't so bad. I relaxed for a moment and enjoyed where I was. Until.......I suddenly felt myself beginning to drop and the warmness trickled away replaced by cool air. What was happening?

I gasped and woke up on the operating table, sitting up slightly.

Nausea and weakness soon overtook me and I laid back down on the table groaning. I screwed my eyes shut, trying to block out the harsh white light. I rolled my head down and saw an I.V. sticking out of my arm. Shoot. I glanced at my surrounding at figured that I was in some type of operating theater. Great. But hey! I wasn't dead yet. The pure white walls were a little unnerving, but it didn't really matter at the moment. Someone came over and shone a light in my eyes.

"She's breathing and her pupils are reacting." said a familiar voice. "She'll live. Let's close."

Hearing that, I allowed myself to calm down and gracefully pass completely out.

~About 2 hours later so it's around 6:30 PM because the operation took long~

I woke up in the hospital wing. It was still the same as always. The rows of pure white beds and side tables, and the great arches that supported the room on top. I sighed, how many times was I gonna end up here? Right now, I had an I.V. in my arm and I was completely immersed in white sheets and blankets. I really gotta stop tripping, I thought. Speaking of that, I looked down and followed my arm down to my hand. There were long, swollen, red lined crossed with stitches on my middle and that finger next to it.


I tried to move it, but only succeeded in twitching it. I really hope I didn't have much nerve damage.....I wouldn't be able to move my hand much at all. I sighed and stopped trying. I looked at my chest from under my shirt. It looked okay from this angle, but I would need a full view to know for sure. I saw someone coming, so I stopped looking under my shirt and acknowledged the person coming: Madam Pomfrey.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm alright if you count being stabbed with your own bone and almost bleeding out to death."

She gave me a small smile and raised her eyebrow.

"I'm fine! Don't worry.." I didn't know if I would actually be okay or not honestly. "How bad was it?"

She looked at me for a while. "It was....quite severe. I was able to fix your chest just fine, but your may not have full function ever again. You managed to twist and break your risk, along with cracking two of your fingers."

My hopes hopped in the toilet and flushed themselves. "I- Let's focus on the may not."

"I agree. Now, you will need bed-rest for about a month so I advise that you have your peers bring in your school work for you." she said.

Sure, I was slightly disappointed about that. "Okay."

"You can only have chicken broth, saltines, chocolate, and occasionally white rice. So don't eat anything that might upset you, alright?"

I nodded.

"And....," Her eyes twinkled, "if you want, I will allow your friends in here if your up to it. There is a hoard outside of them. I believe the two Hufflepuffs that brought you here told them all."

"Sounds like Holly and Chase." I chuckled lightly, but it turned into a nasty cough."

Madam Pomfrey sat me up on the bed and held me in place. "Try not to stress yourself, Miss (y/l/n). I will go fetch your friends."

She walked over to the massive birch door and opened it. I heard some chatter, and a big, "YES!". Following that big 'YES' came at least twenty students. Including: The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Holly, Chase, Matt (who was standing quite close to Chase, who didn't seem to mind it), Thomas, and Angelicia. I was soon swamped with cards and get-well gifts, along with the stacking of questions.


"Are you going to be okay?"

"Open my card first!!"

"Sorry for tripping you..."

"Glad you're alive. You didn't write your will so I was worried."

"Madam Pomfrey said that you had only a 75% chance of recovering, is that accurate?"

"You know, if Pomfrey gets annoying-"

"Just follow the saying-"

"An apple a day-"

"Keeps the doctor away. It's foolproof."

"How long are you going to be out of classes?"

"Guys! Chill! I tripped over Chase's foot and before than sprained or broke it. I will be okay, but it's gonna take time. So, I'll be here for about a month or so. And, no Chase, it wasn't your fault! It was me and my ultimate clusiness. I'm going to try my best to get better as soon as possible, count on it!" I answered.

The room was full of cheers and hollers and louds whoops. Madam noticed this and came bustling over with a stern expression on her face.

"Out! Out! She's going to go deaf with you barbarians around! Shoo! Shoo!" She made them exit the room quickly and made sure I was alright.

"I'm fine."

"That's what they all say, Miss. Now, try to rest." She walked off to go do something and left me alone.

I laid there for awhile and decided to do so. But before I could even touch one of them, there was a knock at the door. Madam Pomfrey went to it and opened up. I could see the shock on her face for a quick second before it smoothed out. I saw her step aside and let the person in.

It was Draco.

He calmly walked over to my bed and stood near me and placed a small parcel on the table next to me.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, I think I am. By the way, I didn't know you cared enough to stop by."

"People change." he shrugged. "And also...your my friend. Who happens to be in Gryffindor..."

"And?" I asked with a hint of sass.

"And nothing. I'm happy to be friends with you. I won't admit it to anyone, besides you of course, but I prefer Gryffindor and occasionally.....Hufflepuff." He explained.

"Draco Malfoy: the boy with split personalities." I giggled softly.

"I guess you could say that. But right I got to 'split' myself. Crabbe and Goyle will be looking for me."

"Did you just make a pun?"

"I learned from the best." He smiled at me and walked out the door.

When I glanced at the clock, it was already around nine o'clock! How did time go away that fast? Whatever the case, I figured I may want to go to bed and help my body out. I snuggled into the pearly sheets and allowed my consciousness to rest.

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