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I woke up amongst the black sheets and blankets. My first though was, how the heck did I get here? And then it went to, waiiittttttt.........I just got laid. By my teacher. Who actually has emotions. Unfortunately, the consequences of getting 'laid' took its toll. My thighs, legs, and general....inners hurt like someone dropped a bomb in there and all the shrapnel was absorbed into my body. Ahhhhhh fraggit. It burned. I froze when I felt another life form next to me. Holy crap. What have I gotten myself into? I tossed over to his side (because I was practically drooping off the bed) to face the Sorcerer. He looked peaceful enough. His gaunt lines on his face were less pronounced than usual and his eyes were finally closed. God.....I wonder if he even gets any sleep at all with grading hundreds of students papers. I finally managed to work my way over to his chest, leaning against it. It was warm, and it felt like some invisible shield was covering me from all harm.

Then it hit me. Like, I was mentally taxed from getting hit this hard from thought.

I was in his room. Not in my dormitory. Uh-oh. My friends are gonna be looking for well as the teachers. It wasn't the weekend anymore. Then again....I had first period potions. Boom, problem solved. But wait...they're gonna ask where I was that evening. Uh.....I'll say that I had to finish my detention because I was to tired? Nah, they'll ask why I wasn't in the dormitory. I was stuck. Maybe the Professor could do something?

"Uh....hey Severus?" I whispered urgently.

Nothing. I poked his face. Nothing. I even blew air on his face. Nothing.

My eyes narrowed. I thought for a second...what person drives Snape insane? A sly grin came over my face. I crept out of bed slowly, making sure not to wake him up. When the blanket finally dropped, I realized that I was completely bare. Not good. I eventually found my clothes hanging on a lampshade and on the floor near it. I got dressed quietly and crept over to the side of the bed where Snape's back was facing me. I put on my best face and started to imitate the pupil who annoyed him. Not angered (I didn't want a mad Snape stomping around all day), just annoyed. Who better to fit the position than Hermione Granger?

"Professor,I don't understand what 'obliviate' means. Also, Harry Potter is the best student alive! Why do you hate him? Prrrroooooooffffffeeeeessssssoooooorrrrrrr......" I shook his shoulder and nagged.


He sat up to look at the annoyance head-on (cough, that would be me, cough). One he saw me, his eyes narrowed tremendously. I had to bite back all the laughs and giggles from escaping into the silent air.

"Pfftf....bwah ha ha ahaaaaaaa.....ha haha ahahahhhhhhh pftfffppppppppp......." I sniggered.

"Really, (y/n/l)? Was that necessary?"

"Mmh hmm.....he he heheeeeee...." I honestly couldn't keep it together.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes, muttering something about, 'teenagers'. But I couldn't help but see him smirk. He strolled over to his small kitchenette to make some tea. When I realized that he was nude muttered an incantation and his regular attire was back on. He gave me a look.

"I thought you preferred me at your mercy (y/n/n)." He mocked.

"That was last night...when we were doing it!" I blushed.

He scoffed again and spooned in some milk.

I sat on the bed where he had been sleeping. The warmth seeped through my bones and made me smile. I watched him for several minutes as he finished up the tea and poured it into two steaming hot mugs. He came over, sat on the edge of the bed, and handed one to me.

"It's hot, so be careful." He warned.

I gave him a look. "You're not my mother."

"Hmmmm....yes. I happen to be your potions teacher and 'significant other', so be careful!"

I begrudgingly took the mug and brought it to my lips. My mistake.

"OW!" I yelped.

He let out a small chuckle. "Like I didn't warn you."

I glared at him over the steaming rim. The tea he had made was my favorite. I always liked waking up with this when it was available, and even more when he made it.

"Hey, Severus?"

He hummed.

"Do you think anyone's going to ask me where I've been? I wasn't at my dorms last night and this morning. They're gonna think something's up."

"I'll convince them otherwise. Don't worry."

"But I am worrying. What if someone found out? What if everyone finds out? I'll be expelled and you would lose your job...what then?"

He sighed and merely repeated, "Don't worry."

"That's vague."

He gave another sigh and asked for my mug, which I gave to him. Using magic, he put them in the sink and magic-ed the sponge and water to clean them. After seeing them place themselves away in the cupboard, he turned around to face me. His onyx eyes tinted slightly with worry.

"Do you remember what Dumbledore said to you last night?" he said.

I nodded. I remembered very well. "Yeah, why?"

"I just wanted to know." he mumbled.

"That was a load of crap and you know it Severus. So tell me, why did you ask?"

He came closer until he was about three inches from my face. "I......I don't want you to be hurt....or anything like that. I-I don't want you to be hurt on my account....because of our.....relationship."

His voice was barely a whisper. I cupped his face in my palm, which he leaned on enough so I could feel it.

"Severus." I said lovingly and sternly at the same time. "You would never hurt me, and even if you did, you would never mean it."

"But.....w-what if I-"

"It doesn't matter right now. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, alright?"

"Very well..." He took his hand to grab mine off of his face. He held it carefully, like it would shatter to glass at his feet. He finally let go, just looking at my hand fall back in place.

"Ok, now you're acting weird."

"But still, what if-"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "If this is all we're talking about this morning, I'm going to create some excuse to my head of house and friends on why I wasn't there. See ya."

"I'll tell them why you weren't there. Just keep them quiet until potions class. I will overhear the conversation and.....intervene."

"Okay. Just don't give them detention for moving their mouths. See you!" I walked happily out, still worried about the consequences of this relationship.

Severus Snape x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now