Look what I've goooootttt!!
I'm already basking in it's "glory" XD
Get it X3
Cause one of the original characters from the first book was named that— ok I'll stop.
I already read the prologue and it's great so far!
I have already come up with a lot of predictions that I won't say because you can kinda easily figure it out from the prologue and I'm sure there'll be a bunch of stuff on WoF Amino later that will explain it a lot better than I could when more people have read it.My mom got me the Barns and Nobles exclusive version so the back of the cover has this really cool art on the back ^w^
Credit to Joy Ang and Phil FalcoThis has nothing to do with the story but I thought it was kinda funny
The map of Pantala
Also tiny little hint about one of my predictions that probably isn't true but I'll point it out anyway.
Compare the West side of Pantala to the East side of Pyyhria and after you read a certain part of the prologue you will see what I mean.
That wasn't meant to be a spoiler it was just something I noticed.
Also,ThIs DrAgOn Is WeArInG gLaSsEs AaAaAhH
But that is all for now.
Bye guys!-Darkstalker/DragonEyes