Finding out the truth

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Silver was the oddball out of the bunch, well besides Synn. She was three inches shy of being six foot tall with one turquoise blue eye and one deep dark purple eye and her hair was snow white streaked in red like fresh blood.

When Silver saw Rayven she ran up to her and hugged her tight and whispered. I've missed you Skylar Shadowborne and I wanna hear you say your name. Isht oora est una noche.

Rayven looked and said the name she was asked to say. I am Skylar Shadowborne.

Rayven's appearance changed, her hair became shorter and multi colored streaks appeared.

Shadow, Synn and Shayde ran up and hugged Skylar who looked puzzled. " What happened and why was I taken from my home?"

Dracula, Vladimir and Ingrid watched everything that was going on. "Excuse me." Vlad said. "Maybe if you told us why you need our help, then maybe it will also help Skylar to get the answers she seeks."

Silver started speaking." She was taken because she is one of the most powerful hybrids In the shadow realm and now our people are turning against each other trying to find her and destroy her, and that's why we need your help."

"Ah to make things right, and put an end to the fighting?" Dracula asked with his usual devious grin. "And if we choose to help, what's in it for us?"

Another sister appeared and stood beside the others. "Hello my name is Storm and here's the offer. "

" You help us and you no longer have to stay in this realm, you get to stay with us in ours, but you three are not the only ones we are gonna be asking for help." Storm explained.

Dracula talked to his kids and then asked Renfield to bring in his youngest son wolfie. Renfield brought in a young boy of about eight or nine who looked at everyone and smiled.

" Hi my name is wolfie." Wolfie grinned.

Everyone introduced themselves and Dracula called out for Zoltan who rolled his way into the foyer.

" You called me Master Dracula?" Zoltan asked.

"Yes we are going to help these young ladies out on their quest, are you up for it old friend?" Dracula asked with a serious expression.

" As long as I'm no longer thrown from the battlements of this castle, then yes I think I can lend a paw."

"Very well then, it's decided, we will all help you to end this madness, provided that along the way I can get some blood." Dracula said. " Are we agreed?"

"We are agreed." Storm said and approached Dracula, not in the least bit scared of him. Dracula." Storm said and arched her neck to one side.

Dracula looked in her eyes and smiled. "Very well young Storm, as you wish." He bit down and blood flowed hot, rich and sweet. He took only what he needed then healed the bites closed.

Storm stood perfectly still and opened her eyes, looking at Dracula. "You feel better now?" Storm asked.

Dracula smiled and licked the blood from his lips before grabbing her hand and kissing it. " Yes thank you Storm."

"You're most welcome and now that the pleasantries are out of the way let's vanish from this place shall we." The sisters grabbed everyone's hands and or paws and vanished appearing moments later right behind some guys that skylar had seen before.

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