Blood Omen 2 Kain

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There was a shit ton of carnage and bloodshed going on in hell and the one reigning queen called Demonixx was sitting at a large table talking to her darklings.

Drax was worried and told Demonixx that what she needed to do was use her shared abilities to enter the video game world.

"If we don't do something to speed up the process and getting the ones we need here and quick, then our realm is gonna be the first destroyed." Drax said.

"Don't You Think I Know This." Demonixx said snarling and looking up with pitch black eyes.

Demonixx knew that Drax was right. " You are in control while I'm gone Drax."

Drax bowed low and grinned. " I've got your back your majesty." He vanished only to appear near the battlements to better seek out the enemy.

Demonixx turned on her game system and put in blood omen 2 and sent herself into the land of nosgoth.

Kain was battling a serafan warrior when he saw a woman approach, she had long black hair, black and red eyes and horns on her head.

"Who are you creature?" Kain asked lowering his body in case she attacked.

"You have no reason to fear me, I only wanna help you destroy your enemies and ask for your help." Demonixx said as she grabbed out her demonic battle blades and stood by his side.

Several warriors approached them armed with swords and bow and arrows aimed directly at them.

Demonixx snarled. " Let's do this Kain."

Shots were fired and only a few hit their targets and Demonixx roared as she reached up and pulled the arrows out.

Demonixx Snarled." Seriously, you will have to do better then that to do me any harm you stupid fuckers."

One of the rogues fighting along side the serafan attacked demonixx. " Hehehehe as you wish foul demon."

Silver heard her sisters thoughts and decided to vanish and appear beside one of the serafan who looked down into a pair of odd colored eyes.

Silver simply smiled and held out her arms before saying " Huggables, Huggables." In a very sweet little girl voice.

The warrior looked at her and was unable to resist, he embraced her and she held him close. What he failed to realize was that Silvers expression had changed.

Silver smiled and showed extremely long fangs and her eyes had turned an intense cold vivid green. She wrapped her arms around the warriors waist and squeezed.

Kain looked at Demonixx. " Who s that?" He asked curiously and why is she holding the enemy?"

Demonixx smiled. " She's my sister Silver and you see she's very petite and tiny right?"

"Yes she looks like she couldn't hurt a fly." Kain said with an odd expression.

Silver squeezed even tighter and giggled as the warrior gasped in shock and struggled trying to break out of her grip.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!, LET GO OF MEEEEE!!!" He screamed while trying to catch a breath.

Silver was tired of playing games and squeezed until his spine snapped and she dropped him to the ground and as he laid there still only slightly alive, she reached down, kissed the blood from his mouth then snapped his neck like a twig.

Kain looked shocked. "Impressive, very impressive, but you're so tiny. How?'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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