Stranger - Bryles

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There's no kindness in your eyes
The way you look at me, it's just not right
I can tell what's going on this time
There's a stranger in my life
You're not the person that I once knew
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do
Then they would see a stranger too

tw: none


Briar's POV:

Myles Erlick. 

We were best friends growing up.

Key word:


He started dating Jacquie. Now, ive never had a crush on Myles. Sure he and i were good friends, again, i say were; we were never in that situation with each other. I liked, key word: liked, his girlfriend Dylan, but she became clingy. Whenever Myles and i would hang out, she always tagged along. If Myles and i were practising a duet or watching each other do our solos, she would aways watch and come and make his parts stronger and longer than mine, so in partner dances between him and i, he would pretty much get the spotlight.

Now, i may be blond and Myles is brunette, he was acting blond ( no offence to any blonds ), he was oblivious to what she was doing, and everyone at CDC hated her, she was phoney, she was acting, she was cheating on him and he never knew.

I kept saying that he should check on her, but he said that he didn't want to be that clingy boyfriend, but isn't that the other way around? The girl being the overly clingy one, but he never listened to me, i kept telling him to check on her when she was out on those ' girl dates ', but he didn't listen to me.

" Hey Little B " I didn't scold Issac for saying that. I was too busy looking back at the great memories we had.

" You know about the solo competition right? " I completely forgot about that.

" Yeah.... " I knew what we was taking about but where he was going, i had no clue.

" Do a solo about Myles and your feelings towards him!!! " I was taken back for a second. something intelligent just came out of his mouth.

" Something intelligent just came out of your mouth Issac "

" Wow "

" Can i do the solo? "

" You choreographed Dangerous and you won, i think your good "

" Who are you and what have you done with Issac? "

Soon enough the two of us were laughing our butts off and when Trevor and Lamar came to check on him and what we were laughing about, they were joining in too.

" So, what song? " I thought about it for a second and when i fell upon a song which my mum played after she and dad divorced.

" Stranger by Hilary Duff. Mum played it multiple times when she and dad divorced "

He didn't believe me. I guess he didn't know the song so i YouTubed it on my phone and as the chorus came, he was dancing to it. I had no idea that Trevor and Lamar had left.

By the end of the day, we had choreographed the solo and if this dance was deadly, which i am, the two would be 6 feet underground playing Russian Roulette with Satan, and Satan holding the bullet contained pistol.

Everyone who was entering the competition at CDC. I forgot to mention that it was a solo competition for everyone here at CDC so we could see what competition each other were so we would focus more in group numbers and not have our spot taken away because were not                     ' dedicated enough '

When i was called up to dance, my pulse was racing, but not because of nerves, but because i would be expressing my anger towards that one guy.

Suddenly the music was playing and i was throwing tricks out here and there, showing off some contemporary and hip hop, a bit of acro but a lot of emotional faces and if anyone would to watch this, you would see the facial expressions i was showing. By the time i'd finished, everyone was clapping and cheering.

i started walking to Issac when Myles pulled me aside.

" What do you want? " I wanted to know

" Was it dedicated to me? " i was confused for a second when he continued

" The dance? "

" Yes... yes it was "

And i just walked away, from him, his problems, mine, and his relationship, along with ours to Issac who had his arms stretched out for me

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