Chapter 3

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Locks gripped her hands real tight and halted causing her forehead bump into his shoulder. She looked up. Just as she was about to open her mouth to complain, she saw a dark figure walking towards them. It, then, stepped into the light.

"Well if it isn't, Goldilocks" he cackled, smacking Locks with a "brotherly" hit on the back. Locks faked a smile and went back to straight face. His eyes went towards Easton. "Hello Butler," he took his hands out for a handshake. She shook it slow.

All of the sudden, Locke grabbed her other arm, bringing her towards his chest. "We would like to get going now," giving him a death stare.

The man chuckled and bring his attention towards Easton, came closer "Room 214" he hushed winking at her.

Locks grip around her arm tightened and they starting walking down the hall again.

"Who was that?" Easton asking, trying to loosen Locks grip.

"No one you should know," he looked straight, gritting his teeth.

For the rest of the walk, there was silence. The hallway started getting gloomier and gloomier.

"We're here," he said with a blank face. He opened the door and went inside.

The room was filled with weapons. From handguns to rifles to shotguns. Swords. Nunchucks. Dagger. All that you can think of. There was a little desk in the corner, buried with thousands of paper.

"Sir, Bulters is here just like you asked," Locks announced.

"Finally, what took you forever Locks?" A young, boy probably the age of 19 lifted his head up from the computer screen. His glasses had a glare of light, unable to see his eyes.

"Sor.." Locks wasn't about to finish what he was saying.

"Ok, ok just leave," he shooed Locks, "Have a seat Butlers."

"Not literally though," Locks whispered into her ear as he left.

Easton cracked a smile. She sat down, still examining the room. It was dark, only one lit lamp.

"Ok let's get one thing straight. Who knows you are hear. Did you tell your father about anything of this? If you did, then that's no good news." He rested back on his chair and crossed his arms.

He waited for her response. "What? You don't speak English?" He rubbed his temple.

"No, I haven't told anyone, but who gave you the right to drag me here?"

"'Me? I dragged you here. It's sounds awful when you say it like that? It was of a 'request'." He stood up and walked in front of his desk, leaning down on it. " Ok, we have to get things. You are here because you are in debt. You owe us,well your life actually. We are short handed and we need more people. So you are next in line."

"Debt? What are you taking about? I'm sorry but I'm sure you got the wrong person. You don't know you people, never heard of you in my life. So can I please get back my home."

"No darling, it doesn't work that way. Until you are done with what you owe us, ok?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! Just take me home!" Easton shot up from her seat. The floor was shaky. She couldn't see where she was going. Everything went blank.

She tried to open her eyes but they barely moved. When Easton finally opened her eyes, she scanned the room. Her room. A glass of water and a sandwich on her bedside table.

She smiled in delight and ate the sandwich in hurry. Just then, there was a rhythmic knock.

"Come...come in," she said as she tried to sallow the last bite.

Jess came in. "Good morning! How was your first night?" She smiled.

Easton didn't remember a thing. I got called to some room with Locke. What happened after?

"Get up, there is a meeting at 10:00 at the conference room, Ace doesn't like late people," she closed the door and left.

She jumped on her feet. "I have to get out here immediately." She rush to the drawers looking for a rope. There was nothing but clothes, and they were all the same gray, boring clothes. She felt defeated. There was no way she could go back to her dad now. She looked down at the clothing in despair. What if I? Yes yes! She looked around the room. No windows. She closed her eyes, hoping this would all go away. She opened her eyes. No no, don't give up.

She slowly opened the door slow. Looking from felt to right, the hallway was empty. Where is everyone? She tip-toed down looking for a way out. Everything door that she tried to open, it was locked. There was one door that had light beaming through. She entered and saw a window. Luck was on her side today. She zoomed back to her room and started on her project. 20 minutes later, she had clothes tied together to make a rope.

"Perfect," she smiled so wide. She then took to the rope to the room with the window. And slightly opened the window. Easton dropped the rope/clothes / down and tied the end of the rope to the desk. She looked down and closed her eyes then took a deep breathe opened her eyes and started climbing down. The ground looks so far.

She climbed down and down until something appeared in front of her. Someone opened the curtain to a window. Ace. He looked surprised then smiled. Behind him were many people seated. The meeting. Can this day get any worse. There she was, just dangling on a rope in front of 100's of people.

"Look who decided to "drop" in" Ace smirked.

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