Chapter 1

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You crouched behind a piece of plywood. The familiar sound of 'bullets' rushing past your cover filled the once empty silence. You were training in the U.S. army and was going to be deployed for war in 3 months... If only you knew that it would be sooner. You popped up and fired a few 'bullets' in the direction of the 'enemy'.

Someone from the opposition fell to the ground.

"Yes." You whispered diving into cover as the wind of a paint ball flew past your face.
You looked over and saw fellow team mates firing shots. Looking to your left a windowless building stood in the heat of the midday sun. Rushing over you pulled yourself through the window. Empty. The entire building empty. You silently climbed the cement stairs to the very top. You could see the entire training field. People rushed into different covers firing shots at one another. You drifted off until the alarm went of.

"Trainings finished! Get down to the centre now!"

You raced down the stairs and caught up with your friend, Celena.

"What do that do you think its about." You whisper as you arrive to the centre.
"Don't know." Replied Celena.

Fellow soldiers arrived and the Captain started speaking.

"We have gotten word that the Chinese Government is planning to launch nuclear fire in five hours!"

You heart sunk. Five hours until everything ended. You weren't ready.

"Everyone is go to their rightful vault that they are to guard! MOVE!"

You ran to towards a jeep set for vault 111. You hoped that this was some sick joke. That it wasn't real. But inside you knew it was.  15mins past and you arrived at vault 111. You went to your assigned place. Families raced toward the vaults as announcements blared over speakers. Children cried and clung to their mothers. You overheard a child ask their mum.
"Are we going to die mummy?"
The mother wiped away his tears.
"I don't know."

It hurt to hear this.

"Bombs!" You turned and saw bombs falling to earth. Looking around you realised that all the families were safely in the vault. Franticly looking you spy an old unused nuclear shelter. You slammed the door as you saw mushroom clouds fill the sky.

Gases of all sorts snuck their was way into your lungs. You staggered and spluttered. Coughing. Your vision hazed and you collapsed.  You crawled to the entrance of another room. The passed out.

Nick Valentine x PTSD reader Where stories live. Discover now