Ch2 - Arsehole

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Totally not listening to BTS in the dark at like 1:45 am while writing this. THAT would be ridiculous. And um SHIRO IS GAY YALL OML GOTTA CHANGE THE STORY A BIT 



"Keith! C'mon man come back, we didn't mean anything by it." Shiro shouted to Keith as he continued to storm off into the bustling streets.

"If all you guys are gonna do while I'm there is talk about me finally settling down, I don't want to be there." Keith barked over his shoulder. He really didn't want to storm off like that, but they really got on his nerves sometimes ya know?

Suddenly Keith started to get light headed and felt really hot.

Shit, my heat started.

He really didn't want to go back to Shiro and Allura because um pride. But he really didn't have a choice. As he was turning around to go back someone stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. He didn't even say anything as he clutched Keith's shoulder and dragged him to an alley, pushed him against the cold brick wall, and proceeded to shove his tongue down Keith's throat. He tried to push him off, but he was a big guy and way stronger than Keith. So he did the only thing he could think of: knee him in the nut sacks.

Nut sack kick: 100% effective.

Yes, it did hurt. Yes, he squealed like a little girl. Yes, Keith found satisfaction in that.

"Keith! You alright?!" Shiro asked Keith when he found him in the alley.

"Yeah. Just. Please get me off the streets I started my heat." Keith replied as he collapsed into Shiro's embrace.  "If you were gay I would totally fuck you." And with that said he fell asleep in Shiro's arms. Shiro sighed but carried Keith bridal style back to his apartment. Shiro watched as all the alphas stared hungrily at Keith, but never approached him because of how menacing Shiro looked. With his muscular build and the intimidating expression he was wearing, he could protect Keith from the alphas. 



"Hunk. That's crazy."

"Is it though?"

"Yes. Humans descending from bananas just because we share like 95% of our DNA is crazy."

"Ladies," Pidge piped in, "we all know humans descended from insects. It makes the most logical sense.

"Pidge... NO!" Lance said completely giving up on his friends. He knew they were joking, but it still bothered him. 

As Hunk and Pidge were laughing their asses off, Lance looked out the window to let them calm down and his eyes wandered to a guy approaching another guy who had a mullet. But that isn't what piqued his interest, it's what happened next: he dragged him into an alleyway and forced himseelf onto the poor guy. Lance was about to run out and help him when the guy kneed him in the crotch. Lance cringed and unconsciously grabbed his own.

"You good bro?" Hunk asked noticing Lance grabbing his junk.

"Yeah. Yeah, I just saw someone get kneed in the dick is all."

"Oooooo." Hunk then unconsciously grabbed his crotch too. Pidge just rolled her eyes at the boys weird actions. Since she's a girl she could never understand the excruciating pain.

As Lance continued to watch the ordeal a big muscular guy came and the mullet instantly fell into his arms.

Must be his boyfriend.

He then picked him up like a bride and carried him off. 

I don't know which position I want to be in more: carried or carrier... carrier.

"Well I gotta go guys, I have a lecture at 2 and if I'm late again the professor is gonna drop my grade." Pidge said as she gathered her stuff.

"Bye pidgeon." Lance said.

"Bye Pidge." Hunk said.

"Bye losers." Pidge said as she flipped them off when she walked away. Hunk and Lance made small talk about this and that until Hunk had to go for one of his lectures and Lance was left alone. He continued to stare out of the window and watch the world as he finished his coffee. Just as he was finishing his coffee, he saw the mullet guy walking down the street. Lance immediately got out of his seat and ran out of the cafe.

He didn't know why he decided to follow him. Didn't even know the guy just had a feeling he should. And he couldn't deny that he was curious about him. He seemed like an odd guy and Lance liked to meet people who were different. He maintained a good 30-foot distance from him so he wouldn't be able to tell he was following him. He blended into the crowd easily as he casually walked down the street.

As Lance followed the mullet he noticed that a lot of guys looked at him with hungry eyes when he passed them.

He must be an omega. Better keep more of a distance.

Since Lance was an alpha he could become just like every other alpha that was passing mullet. 

That must be what the alley thing was about.

Lance could be an airhead at times, but he was smart enough to not follow mullet all the way to what looked like a host club. He saw him enter the alley right next to it.

An omega working at a host club?

Lance had never seen inside a host club before so he decided to walk by it as casually as he could. But as he was passing it someone pulled him into the alley and held a knife up to his neck as he was being pinned to the cement wall. It was mullet.

"Who are you and why are you following me?"


So yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is how that is gon be. Uhhhhhh incase you didnt get my drift the slanted words are the persons thoughts. Ummmmmm i might do POVS but for now imma do what you read. Sooooooo bye(?) and have a good day, night, evening, morning whatever

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