{4} Over the mountains, across the sky

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By the time me and Vanessa arrived school, Demi was already there scanning the parking lot for a black Fisker Karma. Justin's car. "Okay, the bell is gonna ring in any minute, and still no sign of Justin. Where is he?" She looked at us, obviously bewildered. "Maybe he's sick," I said, trying to act like i care, which I don't. "Why would he get sick?" she asked, skipping alongside me, her boots made a loud noise whenever they hit the pavement. "I don't know," I said, and span my combination lock, hearing a soft click when it opened. "You should try and talk to him," Vanessa suggested, while taking a strand of hair behind her ear. I sighed. "If it is such a big deal, I will do it. We have English in first class anyways."

I took a deep breath and looked over at the beautiful person sitting beside me. His eyes moved in sync as he read line after line in his book. "Um, what are you reading?" I asked him. Clearly surprised by my voice, "Waterfall," he said, lifting the book so I could see the cover. I nodded. It went quiet again, "Hey, do you wanna sit with us in lunch?" I finally said. Proud of having the urge to actually ask him. He grinned, "Sure."

I followed Selena to their table. Her two friends were already seated. A girl with long brown hair was putting as much salad she could into her mouth, while the other one carefully took small bites from a chocolate bar. "Hey, this is Justin. I'm sure you've heard of him," Selena said as we sat down. Their eyes looked me up and down, almost searching for the right place to bite. "Nice to meet you. This freak over here, is Demi. And my name is Vanessa," the one with the chocolate bar said. Her eyes dark brown and her cheeks were in a light shade of pink. "Nice to meet you," I answered, trying not to laugh by their strange reaction. Selena put on her music and suddenly travelled to another world, not hearing a word of what we said. Her two friends rolled their eyes as they said, "she always does that." I heard the music from my place beside her; over the mountains, across the sky. need to see your face and need to look in your eyes. I smiled. It was one of my songs. I pulled out one of her earbuds and said, "I didn't know you were a belieber." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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