The Check Up ( Part.2 6 MONTHS OUT OF 9 :D)

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Kirstie's POV

"Get out the car loser." Rich has no respect for anyone. Not evern himself. All he does is beats me left and right and I have tens and thousands of bruses. I feel like today is going to be differnt. I don't even know how but I have a feeling something is going to happen walk into that office today.

"Goodmorning Mrs.Hoying, Rich." Nurse Heaven makes me feel so safe.

"Hi." My voice is cracked from all the screaming I've been doing. As always, Nurse Hevean leads us to the room to check on the baby. As she opens the door, I feel like people are here.

"I'll be right back." Nurse Heaven closes the door. I just look down and rub my tummy. My poor son.

"Hey, stop looking so sad or eles you can get me in some big trouble.Look at me when I talk to you you dumb excuse for a person." He slapped across my face and everything goes blurry but I can still kinda her but my hearing is fine.

"How dare you hurt my wife like that you bastard." I saw a tall blond that was holding a bat. As my vesion starts to clear up I see Scott, Mitch, Avi, Kevin,Erica, and Hero!

Scott's POV

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way and this is not the first time I've fought for my wife." I spat. I saw Kirstie all brused up and have a big belly. I saw her eyes glowing with hope and happiness.

"I know you don't rember Scott." Who is this guy? I don't know him.

"Pre-School you punched me in my face." Richardson?

"Oh yeah cause you told me what a slut was then called my momther that." I was thought that was the the worst thing anything could do to me, I was wrong.

"Well, your princess and prince here was pay back." He walked over to Kirstie and rubbed her tummy that slapped her again.

"Move away slow Kirstie." I held my bat about to swing and Kirstie with the hesations and ran over to Erica.

I swang the bat and Kirstie and Erica slipped away with Nurse Heaven and the guys and I got to work. All I can say is that we lift him barely alive. The cops were there and they hardly sad anything except for" Get him" and that gave more power in my punch. After they took him away I ran to find Kirstie.

"Scott!" She ran into my arms. I held on to her tight and never let go.

"My babies" I said still holding on to her. We finally let go and just looked at each other. Afterthat moment Nurse Heaven came in.

"Everything is ok Mr.and Mrs.Hoying just make sure to drink a lot of water and if I were you press charges." She was so helpful.

"Thank you so much everything, it means a lot to us and it will to Austin." Kirstie said wobbling to give her a hug.

"No problem. I'm so glad I can help you and your family. Now go home and enjoy it. See you in a few  weeks." And with that we all went home  

When Love Finds You (Pentatonix {Scott and Krisite} FanFiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now