I was Spiderman

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“Believe it or not, I was once Spider-Man. Hero of New York. I was destined to become some kind of hero or idol in the future. A beacon of hope. A legend that someone could look up to and think ‘Oh, If he could keep the world safe and out harm in the past, then we could do anything. We can build the safest world in the universe.’ But alas, my entire life was stripped away right in front of my own eyes,” Pete remembered how his aunt was crushed underneath Otto’s claw.

“But I will have my revenge on those who wronged me. SHIELD let Otto escape. It’s their fault for not having him contained. The blood of my Aunt isn’t in my hands, it’s on theirs. Every single person in SHIELD. That includes their recruits, the Avengers, and every single one of the people involved with them. And with the help of my symbiote I will give them what they deserve.”

“I’m sorry but if you’re Spider-Man, why don’t you look like him? And what happened to you?” A young woman asked.

She was sitting on the same bench as Peter. Her hair was pulled back into a tight, short ponytail, reaching the top part of her back. She wore a sports bra and training shorts. Sweat glistened off her skin under her neck. She gazed intently at Peter as she waited for an answer.

“Are you hungry? Cause I am. And I can’t concentrate when I’m hungry,” Peter sidetracked.

“Oh, uhm. Let me see I think I have something in my bag…” she rummaged through her backpack which was beside her on the floor.

She paused once she felt a shadow start to creep over her. Turning around she saw the symbiote covering the man she was talking to a second ago. The figure smiled revealing all its fangs.

“And that’s also how I access my ability to change my features. By feeding.”


    “You know, food tastes a lot more better than it used to. Like the meat used to be stringy and dry for me, but now it’s soo juicy. Everything about it is amazing,” a young woman commented.

    “So how did you get off the island?” an older man asked her hoping for the story to continue.


    “We need to get off this island, and soon.”

    “Unless we know how to fly, it’ll be impossible.”

    Peter walked around in a circle. His new suit, a forest green with mahogany highlights, peeled back the mask as he crouched over the water.

    “Looks like I didn’t escape unscathed.” He traced a deep gash that crossed his nose running underneath his eye and ended at the base of his ear. “I got Ben beat with this,” he commented with a dry expression.

    Wreckage of the docks had washed up on shore with him. Plywood scattered the water and beach. There were some steel beams, that somehow floated here despite their weight, half buried in the sand. Peter inspected the materials surrounding him.

    “Tell me something symbiote. Are we able to incorporate or build with non-organic materials just like Flash?”

    We should be able to.

    Peter shot a spurt of the symbiote over at two pieces of broken plywood. The green goo wrapped itself around them and once it left the plywood was fixed up, no cracks or splinters were visible.

    “Cool,” he smiled as the symbiote covered up his face again. “Let’s see what we can do.”


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