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"We got a hit on one of the sewer systems. There appears to be a vacant space within," one of SHIELD's best agents, Maria Hill, directed her suspicions to her boss, Nicholas Joseph Fury.

The man with the eye patch came up behind the agent and focused his one good eye on the monitor. The green screen had several interconnecting lines running throughout the map, some even continuing on beyond the screen. It was also decorated with several Xs that marked places that they had already searched in and given them dead ends. Weeks had been spent searching for both Powerman and the Symbiote with no results. Hopefully, this would give them answers for at least one of them.

"Send in Cloak and Dagger."

"Sir, Cloak is still away on the Inhuman mission," Ms Hill said with obvious concern painting her face, this was the 6th time this week alone that Fury had forgotten something that would have been important for him to remember. There was something wrong.

"Send in Dagger by herself then, she should be able to take care of herself well," Fury ordered. "I'll be in my quarters. Inform me if anything else comes up."

Nick Fury walked out of the deck rubbing his bald head leaving Ms Hill wondering what was going on.

"What's up with him?" one of her coworkers asked as he got distracted from his post.

"I don't know. Dispatch Dagger and send her the coordinates."


"I don't know why I'm always being sent on missions by myself or with other heroes that I certainly have zero ties with. It's always, 'Dagger do this' 'Dagger do that' 'Dagger we have this assignment for you, can you do this for us even though we haven't told anything about Cloaks condition and how he's faring without you? 'NOTHING! Is ever told to me about Cloak.

"I'm really worried about him now. We've never been apart for this long since we were found by Taskmaster."

-Why don't you ask them? You need to learn how to stand up for yourself. If you do, then you'll be able to accomplish anything. You always let yourself get pushed around like you don't deserve to be respected. And that just makes me sad. You're more important than you give yourself credit for, Dagger.- My best friend answered. I could hear chirps of squirrels through the communicator. I laughed softly. Tippy and Monkey Joe must've gotten close enough to have their chitters be broadcast.


That is so cool! I'm in the presence of the most renowned superhero in the Marvel-verse! SquirrelGirl.

Chip Chip. (What is Deadpool doing here?)

Why hello little fellas. What are you doing in this place? *bends to pet squirrel*

Scritch! CHip Cheep! (Eww! You stink! Get away from me this instant. Stop That. Don't pet me, that's the opposite of what I told you to do!)

At least I'm not trapped with Cows out here. Thank you SquirrelGirl for not being the Unbeatable CowGirl.

*Squirrel Bites Deadpool* Cheep Chip! (Come, my brothers. Come and infest this loser!) *Army of Squirrels clamber onto Deadpool*

Gah! I've got Squirrels in my pants! 4th wall breaking Squirrels in my pants!


A splash further down the sewers that couldn't have been my own caught my attention.

"I'll think about it. Right now I have to go," I quickly cut the connection.

I pressed myself against the sewer wall and walked carefully trying not to make any noise in the sewage as I tried to see who was around the corner.

Ultimate Spider-man: Symbiotic- The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now