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~Skylor's POV~

      "C'mon Heather, let's go," I said, pulling on Heather's hand. We had been in the facility for so long, it was hard to tell how many years had passed. Though, it was most likely around fifteenish years. Being poked and prodded and kept in a dark room really takes a damper on ourselves. But we somehow finally managed to get out, using the powers they were trying to take. Bitches couldn't do a single thing right, like damn.

      We had been running through the woods for about ten minutes now, attempting to get as far away as possible from that demonic place. Once stopping to catch our breathe, we listened to make sure that no one was following us. Thank god. We took this as a chance to sit down and rest our legs, as we had not been used to running for this long, let alone walking. I shivered, thinking back to the years we had spent tied up and experimented on.

      After what seemed like only a few minutes, we heard the sound of crunching leaves and twigs behind us. The direction we ran from. They must have found us. Oh come on! I stood up and grabbed Heather's arm, pulling her up and started to tug on her arm to run. But she didn't budge. She was staring at something that made her have a look of pure terror on her face.

      When I looked to see what she was looking at I saw a very tall man dressed in black with a featureless face, a guy with a mask on an a brownish hoodie, a man with a hood over his face and a yellow hoodie and another guy with a mouth guard, orange goggles, and a grey hoodie on.

      "You two are coming with us," said a staticky voice, though we couldn't tell who said that. Ya'know, 'cause of the masks...

     "Why?" I asked, skeptical of them. They didn't seem like they were going to kill us, but you can never be too sure. I mean, one held two hatches, another held a crowbar, and the hooded guy was holding a baseball bat. The big tall guy, however, wasn't holding anything.

      "Because, you are Creepypasta's and must be helped. We must protect our own. Our family," 'spoke' the taller one, with the same staticky tone. The three with weapons slowly put them down, most likely at the order of the taller one. Heather and I looked at each other, deciding that it was probably best to be with them than the place we just at. We walked over cautiously until we stood a foot away from the tall man. He then made some tentacle like appendages sprout out, surrounding us. Next thing we know, were in the living room of a house. Well damn.

     "Now who did you bring home, Slendy?" asked a guy, waving a knife around. He was completely white, with black hair, no eyelids and a creepy smile carved into his face. Jesus. WHAT DID I GET US INTO?!

     Just then three guys walked into the room, two fighting with each other and the other was trying to stop them. One looked like Link from Legend of Zelda, one looked like his shadow, and the other had his arms and legs cut off at the elbow and knees. Wasn't he from that Pokémon game that Heather played as a kid? Why the fuck did they look like Link? I need to rethink my fucking life. Holy shit, what the fuck.

      "Skylor.." Heather whispered to me, "why is the Pokemon trainer limbless..?" I looked to Heather, then to him, then back to Heather and shrugged. My concern was why was there a Link and Dark Link in this place? They're video game characters... right? I'm not just going crazy?

"You aren't going crazy, my child," spoke the tall guy, "I will explain once the rest enter the room," with that, Heather and I sat down on the sofa in the middle of the room. After a few minutes there had to have been at least twenty of us in here. Thankfully, there were enough chairs for everyone. Heather and I sat in the middle of one sofa while the Link look alike sat beside me and a really tall guy with a black hoodie and blue mask with black eyes sat beside Heather. Heather was also glancing at the Pokémon trainer, attempting to understand why he was so mutilated, but still be able to live.

      "Now are you gonna explain what's going on Slendy?" the Link look alike asked. He nodded once before speaking? Does he speak? "This is Heather and Skylor. They are our newest creepypastas and they will be living here with us. Heather, Skylor, this is Ben Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Jeff the killer, Jane the killer, Smile Dog, Herobrine, Dark Link, Lost Silver, The Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Ticci Toby, Homicidial Liu, Sally, and I am Slenderman. You may call me Slendy as everyone else does," he explained, as he pointed everyone out.

     "And what exactly are Creepypastas?" I asked, getting a look from a few of them. I glared at them, though they couldn't tell as I wore a mask covering most of my face.

      "Have you been living under a rock or something?" Jeff asked, "were internet scary stories that people think are fake."

      "Sorry we've gone without internet since we were four and seven," Heather mumbled, only loud enough for me and possibly Eyeless Jack to hear.

      "Jeff, they were unable to be on the internet for a while now," Slendy explained, "they've been in the facility to the north for quite some time."

      "It was fun breaking out though," I started, "we got some fucking cool ass weapons and clothes!" I smiled behind my mask, remembering as we broke in their armory of the army base they kept us in.

     "What's so cool about a baton?" Herobrine questioned, as he nodded towards the stick in Heather's hands. She looked over at me, and I gave her a nod of approval. As she stood up, she pressed a button on it that made the small stick spring out on either end and two blades appear. One on either end of the stick. She twirled it around in her hand before hitting one end to the floor. A few of them looked surprised at what she was holding, as the small stick she was holding turned into a double bladed scythe nearly as tall as her. With at least a foot long blade. She then repressed the button, making the scythe collapse in on itself, going back to the normal baton, and sat back down.

     "Heather and Skylor," Slendy said, catching our attention. "You will need to bunk with someone until I am able to get a room sorted out for the two of you. Heather I wish for you to stay with Toby and Skylor you will stay with Ben," only for Ben to get a wide, perverted smirk. This caused Slendy to rethink, "Actually, I wish for you to stay with Bloody Painter for now," Ben frowned and crossed his arms, but didn't protest. I guess what Slendy says, you don't argue. We nodded at his words as Toby and Bloody Painter stood up. We followed suit and followed them down some winding hallways until we got to their bedrooms.

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