Twenty Three

12 1 0

~Skylor's POV~

       "So... how did you fair against your father and the scientists?" Slendy asked. He had gotten Masky to come and get Heather, EJ, and I since Dark was the one to tell him what happened.

        "Overall? Pretty well," Heather started, "I got to start a house fire, I killed some assholes, so pretty fun."

       "I got to kill my dad, so that was pretty good," I replied before EJ.

       "And I got to kill an asshole who shot Heather. Twice," EJ stated, looking over at Heather then to Slendy. Slendy nodded at our words. After a few more questions, he let us leave. Heather and EJ went back to his room room, mainly because EJ was a little concerned on the fact a bullet went through her head. I however, went to Dark's room.

          "Ay yo Dark?" I questioned, knocking on his door, "wanna go grab some steak with me?" I waited for a reply for about a minute before getting impatient. I knocked again, and not heating a reply. At that point, I opened his door and saw that he wasn't in there. Hmmm... game room? Making my way down there, I heard his, Ben's and Jeff's screaming. Yep, found him.

          Upon walking into the room, I saw the three yelling and screaming at the TV, with all three of them right up on the screen. Fucking dumbasses. I sighed walking over and unplugging the TV, making them fall silent for a few seconds, trying to understand what had just happened. When the three finally realized the TV was unplugged, they turned to me.

            "SKYLOR, WHAT THE FUCK!" Jeff questioned, his voice cracking at the pitch his voice was going. I smiled and tried not to laugh, because to be honest, hearing a well known murderer's voice crack is great.

            "So Dark?" I questioned, as if nothing happened, "Wanna go with me and get some steak? I really want to make a steak." He shrugged.

           "Sure, why not. I could go for some steak," he replied, walking with me out of the room and leaving behind a confused Ben and angry Jeff. On the way to the front door, Masky and Hoody were already on their way out. "Hey guys, where are you two going?" Both turned to us, allowing us to see that for one of the rare times, neither were wearing there mask or hood.

           "To the store, Slendy wants us to get some things. Why?" Masky questioned.

            "I want steak. We're coming with ya'll," I explained, they just shrugged. We continued to talk to them, following the two to their truck. Wait, since when did they have a truck? I guess I just never paid any attention, considering the truck was about a ten minute walk away. Once piling into the truck, Dark and I in the back and Hoody and Masky in front, Masky driving, we were finally on our way off to the store.

           "So... does Slendy give you two like money or something?" I questioned, not understanding how this works. I just assumed that Slendy got them to rob a store for some food for twenty people or Slendy just got the food himself and restocked things as needed.

             "Slendy was able to have a mutual understanding with the government, though it's pretty strained. They give Slendy and us money for food and we promised that if anything ever happened to the country that we would protect it, from beings like Zalgo and such," Masky explained, "Though, now it's really just the Rake and a few other creatures. Along with that, we promised to help if they got invaded by aliens or whatever. I don't know, the government is crazy."

            "Considering that they just allow a bunch of murderers and supernatural creatures to just live here, giving them money, and asking for protection... Yeah, the government is crazy," I replied. Because the government wasn't crazy anyway. Am I right?


            "And there goes a couple thousand dollars for food," Dark shook his head, helping the three of us carry the food into the house, frozen and refrigerated foods first. Once finally getting everything inside, I got everything ready to make a steak, only realizing that the one thing we forgot, was steak. GOD DAMN IT! Fuck it.

         Going up to my room, followed by Dark, I drew the operator symbol on the wall. I'm going back to the store and grabbing myself a steak. Thinking of the store, I was immediately sent there. Good thing it was the middle of the night and not many people were there, otherwise this might've been a problem. I walked inside the store and around until I made my way over to the frozen foods, grabbing about ten steaks and making my way to the cashier.

         I paid before leaving and using the same method to get back, seeing a confused but impressed Dark in the doorway. I narrowed my eyes at him before walking back downstairs and putting the steaks away, leaving out two as that's all Dark and I needed. Once making the steaks as seasoned as we wanted and throwing them into the oven, we took a seat at the table in the kitchen.

         "I just love how you went back to the store, just walked up to the cashier and handed him ten steaks. Like it was the most normal thing that has ever happened," Dark chuckled, shaking his head.

         "Look, it's Walmart. Literally anything can happen in one. And one person just getting ten steaks and walking out, is not the weirdest thing to ever happen there," I replied, "it's just one of the many things that happen there."

          "That is true," he replied.

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