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~Third Person POV~

       Slenderman sighed as Jeff asked his simple question. It was a reasonable question too, as two of them had nearly died. The real trick here, was to explain from the beginning, telling them what abilities Zalgo had given Heather and what he told her.

       "Let me start from the beginning," he started, "when Heather was taken by Zalgo, he trained her. Taught her some abilities that only he and his bloodline knows; Dark magic, and a dark form. Along with that, he taught her how to kill him and his other daughter, Lazari.

        "When we got Heather back, she showed only EJ, Skylor, and myself her powers; as she didn't want you to think differently of her. After that, she explained to me how she could kill Zalgo himself and we decided on a plan. Get Herobrine to join us and go kill Zalgo himself, to finally end this.

          "We waited a few months before finally going into the dark realm that Zalgo resides in. Heather was able to create a portal and we went in, being immediately attacked by Zalgo and some of his followers in that dimension. At first, it seemed easy, almost too easy. However, as we neared Zalgo, we were not expecting his followers to come back from the dead.

        "That's when Heather was slashed in the back and Herobrine in his side. Herobrine and I guarded Heather as she switched into her dark form and fought Zalgo. For the most part, the battle between them was equal or Zalgo was winning. However, once Herobrine and I were able to force his followers down, we helped Heather. At that point, Heather's head had already been bashed in by Zalgo and I had been attacked multiple times by his followers.

        "When Herobrine and I helped Heather fight Zalgo, we were able to make him use most of his energy on us, while Heather was able to save hers. We held him down so Heather could attack him, though he summoned more followers, some attacking Heather and others attacking Herobrine. Herobrine was forced to let go of Zalgo due to a dark beast biting his arm and ripping part of his arm off, as you've seen...

        "Heather was attacked by multiple demons, some using rods, spears, bows, swords, daggers; anything they could get their hands on to attack her with. One of them got a lucky hit on her and impaled her leg, though as we fought she paid no mind to it in order for us to finish our mission." EJ and the others looked over at Heather as she slept. It was the first time they had ever seen her so drained of energy and life. EJ, and a few others, didn't like that, not one bit. They were close to losing one of their newest friends and sister. Though, only three of them knew that she was immortal and couldn't die, no matter what.

             Slender sighed before continuing, seeing the fallen faces of his friends. His family. "Herobrine and I were able to once again force the creatures away long enough for us to once and for all take Zalgo down. Heather was able to kill Zalgo with the very magic he had taught her. Once having finally done what we had planned, Heather opened up a portal and I teleported ya back to the house," Slenderman finished, leaving out a single detail that Heather promised him and Herobrine to never tell.

       That secret was that Lazari had not been the first born, but instead Heather, by exactly one year. This made Heather the new ruler of the dark realm, to which the creatures bowed before her once Zalgo was dead. Though, she told the creatures that she would never be their ruler, they believed that only the first born of Zalgo would be ruler until she died, and that would be for a long time to come, and left before they could force her to stay.

        "But why didn't you tell any of us!" EJ started, anger laced into his voice, "we could have lost you, Herobrine and Heather! What then? We wouldn't know what would have happened to any of you!" Slenderman sighed, knowing that EJ was right.

        "It was a chance that we were willing to take," he explained, "Heather did not want any of you to worry or stop her from killing Zalgo. Her exact words were 'I would gladly give myself up in order to protect the ones I care for.'" Everyone stared at him for a second before turning towards the sleeping girl, her soft snores the only thing they heard from her.

      "When Heather is feeling better, I'm going to fucking kill her for being so god damn stupid!" Jeff yelled, "thinking that she can just fucking leave us like that!"

        "Shut up Jeff," Skylor and EJ hissed, "she's sleeping." Jeff crossed his arms before leaving the room with some others to soak in the new information. Slenderman teleported away leaving only EJ and Skylor in his lab with a sleeping Heather.

        "Fucking dumb as fuck cracker thinking she can do shit without letting us know..." Skylor mumbled, crossing her arms.

         "You're not the one dating her," EJ stated, leaving the room and going to his bedroom to retrieve a light blanket to cover her.

          "Ah, but I am related to her, so I have her dumbass blood running through my veins," EJ looked over at her as he laid the soft fabric over her and shook his head, smiling.

        "I guess that's true," he agreed.

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