The Start

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"Today is the day that I finally become the pokemon Master I was meant to be" Alisha said to herself  

"I don't know why you always ramble about unrealistic dreams Alisha, I mean come on, you have no chance of becoming a decent Pokemon trainer at best,  at least while I'm here" Vivion snarkly remarked

"Ya know what Vivion...
Go.... To...... HELL, I don't understand why everything has to be a fucking competition with you, your always at my throght. Never being considerate or compassionate to your own twin sister" Alisha angrily argued

"Oh so now you have the balls to fight back eh,  well guess what I'm gonna tell mom on you,  so HA. so try becoming a Pokemon master after that" Vivion said in a smart ass tone

"You tell mom and I'll tell her what you did with ~robert~ last summer" Alisha remarked

"Fine,  but you and me are going to settle this when we get our Pokemon from mom"

~alisha's mind~ ever since the professor moved out of the town about 2 years ago, the communities population steadily declined, now we're down to about 68 residencies, and the majority of them are old people. Our mom is the Pokemon gym leader of this town, but we rarely get any challengers. Being the gym leader all the kids that are legible for starting there Pokemon journey go to her for there first Pokemon.
(Her gym consists of poison type Pokemon)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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