Chapter 1: Why Not Try

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Let me ask you something. How many times have you bee driving a car and a cop pulls you over and gets eaten by the thing you were driving from? My guess would be not very many times, but that’s what I did the first day of spring break. You may be wondering a number of things. Why is a fourteen year old driving a car? Why did you stop for the police officer? Why don’t you kill the monster? Those are some really good questions that you can figure out later, the point is, we were about to die. I want to get to the dangerous part. Spoiler: it involves a five mile high cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom. I could have turned, but I figured hey, you know what I haven’t done? I forgot to mention Par was there. I ignored him, he had been screaming in my ear for the past twenty minutes. Anyway, off the cliff we go, weee! So fun! We made it.

 “That was close.” I laughed, Par however, was not laughing.

 “It was too close you could’ve killed us!” Suddenly the car sputtered to a stop. We checked the engine, then the tires, the finally the gas. It was the last one. We were out of gas. Cue the loud roar and we were sprinting for our lives. Just when we thought we were going to die, a torpedo came out of nowhere. It was kind of random and it didn’t make sense, but I couldn’t make this up if I tried. It hit the monster right in the eye somehow. The monster stumbled back and fell. It looked like it was dead. Just my luck, it wasn’t, but it did run off.

 “We can deal with that thing later.” I muttered.

 “There better not be a later. I swear, that thing is nasty. Did you see the -” I interrupted him.

 “Yea I did, don’t remind me. Now we have to go. If we don’t we will be late.” I started walking. Par started jogging behind me.

 When we got back from the party, it was already eleven at night.

 “Where have you been? We were worried sick! We were just about to call the police, do you know what time it is!?” Dad started yelling at us. I just looked down in shame. I made him worried. “I love you and I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt.” He hugged me tightly. “Now go to bed. It’s almost midnight. You want a good night sleep for your birthday tomorrow!”

 My birthday. It’s been 6 years since that night, when my whole life changed. Let’s not dwell on that now. Back to my birthday, I’m turning 15 now.I crawled slowly into bed. I was exhausted. I fell asleep quickly.  My dream was strange, but familiar.

 I was in a park I had never seen with people I didn’t know.

 I woke up to the sweet sound of frying bacon.

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