Chapter 4: Roses are Red

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Nothing interesting happened throughout the rest of the year, Bob left without a trace, no one knows where he went. It’s like he disappeared. He was an odd kid anyway so I never really got to know him, he didn’t talk much and he was kind of a jerk, but whatever. Still, there was this feeling that he would be important later, meh, I’m sure it’s nothing. (I would remember him if I were you. Wink, nudge, aggressive punch to the arm.)

 “Another year come and gone.” Dad sighed and looked over to me. Of course, being me, I wasn’t paying attention. I was on the computer.

 “Dad stole my muffin and when I asked for it back, he took a bite out of it.” I said angry. I stopped. Something was different. Suddenly the words came rushing back to me. I called him dad without even thinking about it. It was shocking how silent it was. It was all a spur of the moment, impulsive, but it happened.

 “Did you me...Dad?” Drannan said slowly, looking like he was going to burst into tears.  He couldn’t stop crying for the rest of the day.

 “What are you doing?” He asked peeking over at the screen.

 “Shh. I’m busy.” I muttered mindlessly. He smiled and leaned back in his chair.

 Suddenly a shy giggle interrupted my thoughts. I turned to Par who was drowning in his own embarrassed laughter.

 “What are you giggling about?” I asked giving up on writing now that I was out of it.

 “Nothing, there’s this guy at school that’s texting me. He’s kind of charming really. I kind of like him, but I don’t think he’s into guys.” He replied, still staring at his phone. “I think he might be flirting, but I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

 “Flirt back, I don’t know.” I said clueless. “If he continues, he’s into you.”

 “That’s not how it works. Just be yourself and wait until he asks you out. Love is complicated, it takes time. Everything will sort itself out, for now, just play your cards right and leave it up to fate.” Par stared at Dad. He seemed to be in shock that he said something so bold, so true, so heartfelt and right. I guess I was in shock too. I didn’t expect to be given a life lesson from him.

 “Wow. I-I don’t know what to say to that.” DING! New text from the same guy. Par rushed to his phone. I groaned and shut the computer, hitting my head on the back of the couch. Par started giggling again.

 Later on that day, Par came into the kitchen with a smile and his phone.

 “Can Ethin come over for dinner?” He looked a little nervous.

 “Is that the name of Mr.Flirt from earlier?” I laughed at my own joke and turned back to the table I was setting. Dad looked at me with stern eyes as if to tell me not to mess with him right now.

 “Of course he can come over. I don’t see why not.” Par started jumping and yelling at everyone to get ready. I just rolled my eyes and continued what I was doing.

 Twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door. I knew it had to be what’s-his-face so I opened the door and let him in. He was moderately decent looking. Not too shabby, Par could do a lot worse.

 “Hello, I’m Ethin, I am here to see Par? Is he here? I’m sorry, but is this even the right house?” I could tell he was nervous. I smiled and realised two things. a) This guy is very clearly into Par. b) He has no idea what he’s doing. How can this be the kid who was flirting with Par? Just then Par walked in.

 “Oh! You’re here! I didn’t think you would actually come.” Par looked so excited and happy. I saw him and I couldn’t ruin this, but I had to protect my brother that isn’t even related to me. I grabbed onto Ethin’s hand and dragged him into the living room while Par yelled at me to let go and bring him back like he’s a toy pet I stole.

 “Listen, that is my brother. I love him. If you hurt him I will shove my foot so far up your *** and it will come out of your nose. If you’re good, I’ll let you pick which side.” By the end, I had his shirt balled up in my fist. Par stormed in with an I’m-gonna-kill-you look in his eyes.

 “If you hurt him, I will-” He stopped, thinking. “Not be happy.” He continued slowly.

 “I’m not really sure what’s going on, but thank you for saving me from…” He trailed off. “I’m sorry what is your name?” I couldn’t trust him yet, so I gave him the name I made for myself.

 “Onyx. My name is Onyx.” He seemed to think, studying me closely. His stare made me nervous but I stood my ground.

 “You’re lying.” What? “Your eyes shifted to the upper right which also suggests that you are right handed. Also you’re touching your cheek with the pointer finger on your right which is how I know that you are right handed. Plus, several other less obvious indicators that show that you were not telling the truth.” He laughed and left the room with Par right behind him. Damn he’s good.

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