Saiyr 🤤: Chap. 2

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"Get out me house" my mom yelled

" I'm trying to help you ma but you pushing me away I done already moved out because what you doing ain't good for your health momma just get help if not for me do it for Kia" I sad mentioning my little sister who was currently staying with my nana because my mom was having a mental break down from the passing of her dad 2 months ago it's hard to see my mom crying because to be honest I be shredding real nigga tears over here as well but ever since my mom got fired I had to turn to the streets for help I know my dad wouldn't like for me to choose the streets. Over a real job but then again my mom lost her job and her father in less than a month so with that being said I turned to the streets I've been paying my mom's bills and buying her food but sooner or later I'm a have to put her in a rehabilitation center or something so she can get herself together no she's not doing drugs she just need some time to her self as of right now

For all of you who don't know my name is Jason Miguel Sabatini I'm a pretty mixed boy with Jamaican and Puerto Rican I'm 17 I attend Frankly High it's an okay school but it's not better than my old school back In Jamaica growing up I learned three languages. Jamaican Spanish and plain ole English but speaking with my mom it was Jamaican all the time until we moved back to the states her thick accent makes it hard for people to understand what's she's saying with her broken English but what can I said it's like that for my whole family

My father got locked up my sophomore year and it took a toll on my mom since she was pregnant with my little sister Kia my Father was a well know kingpin he went by the name El Niño he met my mom when he had just started the thug life when he was 15 and she was 14 being a year a part didn't stop them for the things they did both of my parents were raised on their separate islands as kids I know some of y'all are wondering how they met while on different islands when they first moved to the states after about a year of being up here they met each other in school my father was a sophomore my mom was a freshman they were messing around for about a year or so when my dad had turned 16 my mom told him she was pregnant with me of course their parents didn't approve but once they realize it was too late to have an abortion because they both got too attached after my mom had me they finished school got married and moved back to my mom's mother land Jamaica my mom and dad were a real ride or die couple like they was on the Bonnie  and Clyde type ish if you know what I mean

Walking out my mom's house I was two foreign cars drive by the first car look to be a small family and the car following behind them had this fine ass female driving she looked a little young to be driving but I ain't even gone complain she looked too good to be true when I tell y'all this she look like god took his time on her she had long hair straighten it was also dyed red her skin complexion was like brown sugar she had a nice set of full lips and they was driving in the direction of the neighborhood I had just moved into looked like I need to get them a house warming gift ASAP because i need to know her name




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