II - Where she drops it

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|| c h a p t e r t w o ||

^|Maxence Danet Fauvel as Sky Wilkinson|^

Rain's Point of view.

People are talking, a lot of them. The buzzing in my head continues and I groan. Why can't they shut up? Fluttering my eyes open, I sit up when a wave of nausea hits me. I clutch my head and let out a groan. The bed creaks as I sit up. How the fuck am I on a bed?

Damon and the guy, I vaguely remember hitting me, were talking in hushed tones. Asshole! He hit me on my fucking face! How can he even do that? It's such a bad idea to even play in the halls that too with a huge ass football.

Never in my life was I hit with a football. It has always been either a stone or a stick but never a football and damn does it hurt. The last time I was hit by something was when I was a junior and the janitor there thought it was a good idea if he threw a stone to clean the room, which ended up hitting me.

A groan escapes me as I look around.

To my right was a small desk with a metal jar and some medical equipment. This is the nurse's office then. I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall. The asshole is still speaking and the pounding in my head just multiplies.

"Hey, guys. Can you speak a little low? I am trying to sleep here." I point out. Both of them turn around, nod and go back to whispering, this time, I could catch their every word. I groan again.

'She is up, stop being a douche and apologize,' Damon says.

'It didn't even hit that hard for sure.' Sure it didn't, it was just a ball after all with no mass at all.

'Shut up and say sorry,' At least he has some sense.

Footsteps follow the silence that prevailed. The bed creaks as one of them sit on it. The pain intensifies in my head. My hand cradles my ribs, they are still healing and violently falling may have injured them, again.

"Raine," Damon pats my leg. He purses his lips and smiles. He turns around and gives a knowing look to the guy. The guy just looks at him as if he is bored.

"I am sorry. Although it's not really my fault, I mean it sure didn't hit you that hard. So let's just drop it." He says and turns around to leave. His broad shoulders and beautiful dark brown eyes may have fooled me about his personality. Douche doesn't even know how to apologize. Beautiful face; ugly personality.

"God damn Sky! This is not how you apologize!" Damon roars. Damn right, this is not what people call an apology.

"Jeez, calm down, man. I apologized and I am going to go. Take care, - whoever." Douche. Beautiful name and handsome face but ugly personality. Sky continues to leave and I clench my fists. He plays in the halls, hits someone on the face and doesn't even care to apologize properly.

I grab the metal jar and make my way out and follow the douchebag. The crowd doesn't help as I see the mop of dark brown hair leaving the halls. He is with two other giants chatting and laughing like he didn't just hit someone. Picking up my pace, I follow him and tap on his shoulder when I reach him.

"Dropped it," I say as I drop the jar on his feet. I turn around and run to get out of the halls when I hear a bunch of gasps.

"Oh god, Sky!" One of the guys who is shorter than the others laughs out loud. The others join him too.

A distant "What the fuck!" can be heard. I wanted to be there, to see his reaction but never mind. Panting, I lean against the pillar, the wave of queasiness hits me again, as the bile rise in my throat. I slide down the pillar, my hands cupping my knees, inhaling deeply I rest my head on the pillar which brought me some relief.

My hands travel all the way back to my ribs and I rub slightly to ease the pain. Coughing, I bend on my sight to see blood on the floor. Great, my nose is broken too. Fucking asshole. Wiping the blood, I clutch the pillar and carefully stand up against it.

I close my eyes and open them after a painful breath. Even one broken rib could hurt like a bitch. There is no one since the bell rang while I came here. The area near the lockers is empty and there is no way around to the exit.

The broken screen scrapes my skin as I scroll the contact list for Toby's name. He

"Yo Sorella, everything all right?" his voice greets me. Immediately tears well in my eyes. I miss him so much.

"No I just, I think I kind of injured my rib again, can you please inform Nana and let her know not to worry if she gets a call from school?" I wheeze out.

"What happened?" His voice turns serious. If I tell him, then he'd be here in no time. I have already attracted so much attention by dropping the jar, I don't need that anymore.

"Nothing, I just fell down the stairs. Listen I'll go to the hospital and get it treated, you just inform Nana all right?" I tell him and he mutters a yes. The line beeps indicating the call is cut when a familiar mop of hair catches my eyes.

"Hi," he says. Damon joins him, carrying my bag. Where did he get my bag from? I move towards him, my steps heavy with pain. "Thank you," I tell him and snatch my bag from him and move to the other side.

 "You should head to the hospital. We can take you there," Damon offers. I am not dead. I can drive perfectly fine.

"I can go there on my own. It's probably nothing. " I tell them. An unsure look passes over his face and he just nods at me.

 He might be a sweetheart but he is friends with that jerk. And right now, getting to the hospital without any intervention is what I need. I get into the car, insert the key and set the ignition off. Damon frowns while James just looks at me in confusion. Sighing, I roll the windows down.

"Thank you guys, but I am fine, really. I'll be fine." They just nod and Damon gives me a tight-lipped smile.

And then I set off.

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