55: I'm Home

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"It's too early" I complain, as I sit opposite Nicola in the canteen.

"It's not" She replies; brushing my complaints off, "Anyway, this is the last week, so we need to get prepared and organised"

"When am I not prepared?" I question, as I raise my eyebrows slightly.

"This is the final though" She says, as she takes a sip from a mug that is filled with coffee.

I sigh and sit back into my chair. I look over at the clock and see that it's 7:15. Nicola requested that I got here for seven this morning.

"You'll be singing three songs on the Saturday and then you will be doing a group performance with the boys and performing your winners single on the Sunday" Nicola explains, as she places her mug on the table.

I nod, to show that I'm listening even though I'm thinking about going back to sleep.

"We need to pick songs that will make the audience remember you and be like" She pauses, as she thinks of a word to use, "Wow" She puts her hands up and extends her fingers as she says it.

"What was that about?" I ask with a laugh, as I copy what she did.

"It's early, leave me alone", she furrows her eyebrows and frowns, as she takes another sip from her mug. "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

I nod; "I'm sure" The food in the canteen isn't great, and I'm really missing Jane and her breakfasts.

"Now" Nicola puts her mug down and looks at me, "I think you should sing an Emeli Sandé song"

"Which one were you thinking?" I ask.

"Not Clown because everybody does that one. I think you should do; My Kind Of Love" She doesn't look at me as she's talking, as she's thinking; I can tell by the look on her face; "For the second song we could do a Whitney Houston song"

"Whitney Houston?" I question, with a raised eyebrow.

"If we get it right; it could be amazing; trust me on this Linds"

I know there's point arguing with her because she can be really stubborn when she wants too.

"For the third there is actually a theme and the theme is the your favourite song that you've sung during the competition"

"Does it have to be from the live shows?" I ask, as I think my judges house song was quite impressive and a song that I get a lot praise for.

"No, it can be any" Nicola answers.

"What about my judges houses song?" I suggest; hoping that she'll go with it.

"Yes!" She beams, "That will be perfect!"

It might also be a positive that I haven't performed this in front of the other three judges, so this will be new to them.

"Be sure to have learnt the songs by Thursday and then on the Friday we will make any adjustments that we need, but this week is going to be very busy" Nicola gives me an intense look as she says this because I'm not used to hard work, I'll look for the easiest way to do things.

"Why what's happening next week?" I ask, with a confused expression, as I just thought that this week is like any other, but a winner will be chosen.

"On Wednesday morning, we will be travelling back to your home, so you can see your family and then you'll be doing a performance at the village hall in your village" Nicola smiles, as my face must be a picture, as this is the best news.

"Are you being serious?" I ask.

Nicola nods with a smile.

My mouth opens in shock, as I can't believe it.

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