A/N- uploaded to this story and jealousy

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Hello, I feel that theres a need for me to explain myself to you all. Plus I apologise that this is not an update to the stories I've been working on but rather an author's note.

Firstly, I will begin by explaining why I haven't been updating as frequently as I was before:
For quite a while I've been feeling tired because I've been stuck in a boring cycle of exhaustion, self-sabotage and writer's block. Nothings good enough for you guys and nothings working with the story.
However, I have been considering going into another direction which is what I will be discussing next.

Secondly, I want to tell you about something I've been working on:
I actually started writing another story, which is only in its early stages and doesn't even have a name yet, that I wrote at the start of this year. I do hope to upload it and for me to receive feedback and support for all of you who have stayed this long.
Please just give give it a chance when you can. I just don't want to still be writing only fanfictions because I'm too cowardly to try and do something original.

Lastly, I want to clear something up for you all
Although I have said that I have writer's block and that I want to write something original for a change, I also want to say that I will still be updating all of my stories at least until I can think of an ending for them, so please don't think that they're discontinued- there is no way I could do that to you.

To put it simply:
Im still updating my stories, don't worry.
I would really like it if you could give my other story a chance when I upload it, so please go and check that out.

P.S. Sorry you had to read all of that tedious ranting and thank you for reading it all.
I may even answer any questions you may want answered in the comments.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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