Chapter Two

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Mom knocked on the door, rolling my eyes I stood up and opened the door "I wasn't doing anything, you can just walk straight in, do I have to sign for him?" I asked looking at Grant.

"I just watched him walk in a circle, he'd somehow end up in the attic, if you boys want anything you know where I am, not being love by the children I gave life to-"

"Get da-actually don't do that, Rydel's home bake cookies, you make the best cookies in the world." I said pulling Grant into my room "door open."

"No we wanna suck each other's dicks." I said making her groan as she pulled the door closed "I'm not gay."

"Neither am I, back home my girlfriend used to dress like a dude just so I could have my door closed, I gave my mom two options, I get to close the door or my siblings get a pre-ed, so what do I owe the delight of you randomly showing up at my house?" I asked sitting on my bed.

Grant sighed and leaned against my wardrobe "I want to talk about Evie."

I rolled my eyes back and groaned why? Evie seems nice and everything but I'm quite happy with how my life is going at the moment and having a girlfriend is the least of my worries, don't get me wrong I love girls, it's just my mom needs me around home a lot more now.

"Who's that?" Rydel asked bursting in.

"Out." I glared at her.

"No, mom said if your door is closed I get to sit in your room, who's Evie? Is it your girlfriend?" Rydel asked sitting on my bed.

"Mom! We're going out." I shouted, grabbing Grant's arm I pushed him in front of me as we walked downstairs and out the front door, he looked at me and laughed "you like her."

"I don't know her, trust me my sister hears of me doing anything with a girl and my parents will tie me to a chair and shine a light in my face until I start talking and then they want to meet her and then meet her parents, it's just a long complicated process, out of all my girlfriends only one of them had ever met my parents." I said grabbing my skateboard.

"That strict?" He asked taking his skateboard out of his car, my mom and dad aren't strict they're pretty laid back with me most of the time but when it comes to girls and sex all of that, the ropes get a little tighter and a part of it is they don't want me to get hurt obviously if I have a girlfriend that I don't mind having around my family they want to make sure that she won't be the wrong type of influence on the others.

"More protection than anything." I said laughing as he fell off his board, not even moving.

"Who's dog is that?" I asked, Grant laughed crouching down and started stroking it.

"What happened to never coming this way?" Grant asked.

"Needed more time, why does he like you so much?" Evie asked, Grant smiled pulling dog treats out of his pocket.

"Where'd Ella and Hannah?" He asked.

"I don't know I haven't spoken to them today-"

"You've got to stop doing that, they're going to think you've killed yourself or something, the only reason I annoy you is because I care and I need to know you're still there." Grant said.

Oh my god. He liked Evie that's why his asking me about her his trying to make it look like it's in my interest but it's in his. I kissed my friends girl damn it. Rule one of the bro code is don't go after the same girl. It's not nice, you fight and friends are more important than girls unless they're trying to steal your girl then get rid of them.

"Does that mean you care about me?" I asked.

"I just like annoying you because I need to know your limits." Grant smiled as I sat down and stroked Evie's dog, laughing as he jumped up at me "you're a little cutie."

"Thanks." Grant said, I rolled my eyes as someone opened the front door "what's your name?" Rydel asked.

"Evie, his getting attacked by my puppy." Evie said pointing at me.

"So you're his girlfriend." Rydel smiled.

Grant looked at me as I nodded that's why you keep your mouth shut about things around my family. "I don't really know him, I've met him once and I thought he was gay until he kissed me."

Help. Me.

"You thought I was gay?" I asked.

"To be fair I did at first, you just somehow give out a vibe, are you bi?" Grant asked.

"His straight, are you sure you're not his girlfriend?" Rydel asked.

"I've never had a boyfriend in my life, I'd hardly want to start out with him-"

"Just because you don't know me doesn't mean you can't hurt my feelings, damn." I said covering my heart, she looked at me and laughed "you're the guy a girl goes to after her date dumps her and she wants to make him jealous, you're just the weapon boyfriends are the bullets."

"Rydel!" Mom shouted, she sighed and walked back into the house "Bucky come on." Evie said.

"Winter solider?" I asked standing up as I put Bucky into her arms, she smiled and nodded "Steve Rogers was too predictable."

"He looks more like a star lord." I said making her laugh.

"You going?" Grant asked.

"Juniors going to be home soon wanna get back before he does, I'll see you guys on Monday." Evie said walking away, I laughed and shook my head, groaning as Grant tackled me to the ground "dude I know you like her but it's not my fault the dog came to me-"

"What?" He asked "I don't like her like that, she's like my sister, she had never laughed like that, she likes you."

"She called me gay and then said I'm not boyfriend material I'm the rebound, you don't say stuff like that if you like someone." I said pushing him off of me.

"I know you like her, just admit it." He laughed.

"Yeah she's cute but she obviously has a lot going on and so do I so for now me and her can be friends, dude I just broke up with my girl of two years, that needs to settle in my head at the moment I've been bouncing from one girl to another, Evie isn't the type of girl you bounce to." I said brushing the grass off of my jeans, helping him up.

"Well we're going to the movies on Monday after school to see Deadpool 2, if you want to, we're cool with the girls tagging along." Grant said hading me my phone back, when did he take it?

I looked down at the screen and sighed.

Evie ✊🍆💦

"You're an asshole you know that." I said shaking my head, he laughed and nodded "oh please the quiet ones are always the freaky ones and don't try arguing that because deep down you know it's true."

Ok yeah his not lying on that one, well not all quiet ones are freaky but it's been known that quiet people have a more free sexual side.

"She's going to find it weird that her number is in my phone." I said.

"You two are gonna thank me one day, preferably when I'm the best man at your wedding." He smiled.

"I'm gonna shove that skateboard somewhere." I warned.

"Sounds like you're trying to touch me up." Grant said, I rolled my eyes and got on my skateboard "you coming?"

"Curt might not even be in right now but all right."

[Thank you so much for 9 reads!!]

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