Gwendolyn Pt.2

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I see your back. Strange, people usually turn away from the last story. People will leave at the sight of discomfort. Well, honey, we haven't even scratched the surface of this twisted tale, or rather, tales. Get ready, for the story is about to begin...

Remember Gwendolyn? You haven't learned much about her, at least, not yet. How did she get the curse? Who gave her the curse? Why was she given the Curse? One question will be answered in this tale.

Gwendolyn life was changed, changed at a whim. It started on the 6th day at the 6th hour on the 6th minute of her birth. The first vision was terrible, even was than Susan and the car. It was a woman, 18 in age, in her house. She was angry for some reason, reasons that are unknown for now. She was throwing everything in sight, crashes vibrate throughout the house and as she was picking up a large tv ready to throw it out.

That's when Gwen got the vision, the vision of her mother. She started running up the stairs to stop it but her mother had already from the window on to the hard dirt now splotched with red.

What about the curse who gave it to her and why? Something you may be thinking in your head. Well answers lay ahead.

The mother was still young for a mother especially for her mother. Her Mother was furious about the pregnancy especially since the father is unknown. The mother was powerful, she controlled people like puppets, puppets who knew magic. She pulled their strings till one crafted a curse that would ruin the child's life.

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