Olivia pt.2

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Olivia watches as Gwen is forced to tracked down everyone who has died. knowing it causes her great grief Olivia wishes she could have the power so gwen could not suffer. You may think that Olivia is the hero of the story at this point. What belive is false there is no hero in this story. There will never be a hero in story with only death. That what she does, fill the air with dread meloncholy. Olivia sees Gwen shackled and laying in a fetal position unable to move, unable to talk. Stale water and dry bread surrounds her, laid forgotten days ago. Olivia can't take it no more she beats against the chains, whipping the wall that contains her. She continues as the wall shatters. It seemed easy, a little to easy. Olivia is free, she can escape. She knows she can't save poor Gwen. She escapes know she has to come back to save Gwen. But how? Only a necromancer knows. Death sees that Olivia has escaped. Death chuckles, she knows that her plan is working. The butterfly has flown in a differnt direction

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