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1. Limit/Eliminate the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. The effects of caffeine can be long lasting, so it wouldn't be surprising if it was affecting your sleep.

2. Limit naps. Naps are great, but they are not the best way to catch up on missed sleep. Keep a regular sleep pattern that allows you to sleep the same amount of hours every day. If nighttime is far away and you really need a nap, put an alarm that will allow you to sleep for around 30-45 minutes to an hour.

3. Get comfortable. Make sure your clothes are cozy and soft, that the room tempeture is pleasing, that the room is quiet, and that the lighting is controlled (wether it is completely dark or lit up slightly). The bed should be comfortable, and if you sleep with anyone or a pet, make sure there are ways to keep them from making noise.

4. Avoid late night snacks. Snacks and drinks, specially those containing caffeine, can keep you awake while your digestive system is at work. Try to not eat anything 2 hours before you go to bed and avoid drinking too many fluids so that your bladder stays quiet.

5. Exercise. Exercise can improve your sleep, but try to keep a regular and balanced workout routine. Wether it is walking, cardio, lifting, yoga, etc., it is best if you exercise a few hours before going to bed. Exercising before bed fastens your heartbeat and breathing, making it difficult to feel relaxed.

6. Reduce stress. Meditation, relaxing therapies, deep breathing techniques (I recommend the 4-7-8 technique), relaxing audio and imagery can all help and improve your sleep. Lay in bed, and practice one or more of these methods. Some helpfull apps are: Moodspace, Meditation, Headspace, RelaxSounds, Calm, Sleepo, Insight Timer, Smiling Mind.

7. Turn off or silence your phone. Cellphones and other electric devices can easily distract you or wake you from your sleep. Do not open social media or use the phone 30minutes/1 hour before going to bed (unless using an app to sleep).

8. Be patient and relax. Free your mind from thought, and simply breathe. Don't think about tomorrow. If anything is troubling your mind, get it over with before going to bed. Try doing these things beforehand.

Sweet dreams, sleep well.


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