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I do not own Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. :)

Enjoy ~


- Xion's P.O.V. -

Today, the ones who passed tye auditions will start practicing today. We were all gathered inside the Student Hall which will serve as our rehearsal place and where the show will be held. We sitted on the 4th row. I sit in with Naminé on my left, Kairi then Olette on my right. I also saw Zidane, Hope, Yuffie and Ventus and from the sophomore level. Demyx, Marluxia, Yuna, Serah, Terra(FF), and Bartz from the Junior level. Then Cissnei, Tifa, Aerith, Cloud, Leon and Zack from the senior level. We're just rows away.

"I can't believe you passed Cloud and Leon!" Serah laughed at her own surprise.

"I also can't believe that you two can sing!! And passed!" Then Yuffie laugh alongside with Serah. The two sighed.

"But Xion here is still unbelievable." Zidane added then they turn their gazes upon me.

"You know, Vanitas will be more than proud of you." Aerith said then they gave me a sweet innocent smile.

"I don't think so." I said into a mumble.

Then after a while, Luxord came to the center stage and tapped the microphone for a sound check.

"Okay dear students. I apologize on being late today. But you will have your first day of rehearsals today. And with that, you will meet the director of your musical show! Some of you may know her and for the others, please welcome Miss Quistis Trepe!" Luxord announced and we clapped our hands then looked at Demyx. Demyx hid his blushing face.

"Good Morning, students. For those students who haven't met me before, I am a former teacher here in RadGar High. I will be your director here in your musical play." She said.

"There are certain rules within your 2 hour rehearsal:

Number 1. We will strictly start at 5pm. You can do whatever you want after your 3pm dismissal.

Number 2. No visitors or any unnecessary people when our rehearsal is on going.

Number 3. Strictly 15min break every 6pm.

Number 4. There are saturday practices like tomorrow starting 1pm to 5pm

Lastly. Do not spread the musical's story or do anything stupid. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am!" We answered politely.

"Very good then." She added.

After our 2 hour rehearsals, I've learned that Ms. Trepe is a nice teacher and a great singer. She's very strict when it comes to rules though. When we're dismissed, I noticed that I already have 5 missed calls and 10 text messages from Vanitas. I reach the gate and saw him there.

"Now what happened?" He asked.

"Our rehearsals are very hectic and strict. 2 hour rehearsals and no visitors allowed." I explained as I look down... "I'm sorry for not telling."

He chuckled. "I know that, spoily. Let's go. It's late already." Then we started walking.

After the walk, we've reached the house and saw a box outside. We came near to see a note on the top.

"Xion! We've forgot this last box of presents for you. You know how Vincent and I loves you right? See you real soon! Love, Machina and Vincent." I read and giggled at Machina's message.

"Spoiled brat." Vanitas called. I gave him a soft glare and help me to put the box inside.

"Xion. As much as I want to stay but I really need to go home. You know, Sora." Then Vanitas sighed.

Bright Eyes (Xion x Vanitas) (KH/FF)Where stories live. Discover now