Chapter 4

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~back to you~

Once Todoroki shut the door to the classroom he turned to you and remained silent.

"..uh?" You tilted your head a bit to the side and put your pointer finger to your cheek, "you wanted to speak with me?" Todoroki remained silent, he is standing in front of the door so even if you tried to leave you would need to get past him. "If you have noth-"

Why were you at the gate the day that the reporters tresspassed into the school?" His eyes were piercing right into your (e/c) eyes.

"I always went to the school gate around that time of day, debating wether or not I was good enough to try to get in." You pierce through his gaze your eyes unwavering.

"And why should I believe that?"

"If you don't believe me then believe what you want." You say nonchalantly. It's true though, everyday for a long time you would stand in front of the school gate wondering if you were ever good enough to get in. But you were always afraid because of how you became a villain.

"What's your quirk?" Todoroki asks getting you out of your thoughts.

"Pushy aren't you?" You sigh putting your left palm over your eye having your fingers on your forehead under your hair.

"..." Silence.

"You can find out for yourself," you say taking your hand off your head but still having your left eye closed as you yawn.

"..." More silence.

"Can I get by?" You ask taking a step to the side and pointing to the door, opening your closed eye.

Todoroki moves out of the way of the door and you walk to the door grabbing the doorknob and opening it slightly before he grabs your forearm. "One more thing," Todoroki says his eyes never leaving you. "Have you heard of 'Heaven Slayer'?"

You almost flinched externally, almost, but you did flinch internally- in fact you were internally screaming. You put on a questioning look, "yeah? I saw something about it on the news a while back."

Todoroki lets go of your forearm and opens the door the rest of the way walking past you as he leaves the classroom.

You sigh deeply once he isn't in your sight anymore. "Looks like I don't get to stay long after all.." You mumble to yourself quietly, ashamed of your quirk- and ashamed of yourself.

~timeskip brought to you by a quick idea I has have lol my grammer sucks~

It's the last class of the day and,you reaaaaallllyyy didn't want to be here. All Might is going to teach and you knew that he is gonna do something with quirks. "I have..." All Might bursts through the door, "ONCE AGAIN ENTERED LIKE A NORMAL CITIZEN!!!" Your head slams onto your desk mentally as you hear All Might say that. "Everyone get into your costumes and meet me in feild beta!"


Lol okay, I know this was like extremely short and all but I have to say that I am pumped because I kinda sort of wanna just like add a whole bunch of days that aren't in the manga and anime because I just have a lot of ideas in my head and really want to get them out and such! Lol. Okay. Breathing. Lol, but yeah expect completely round a bout stuff and a whole lot of YAAAAAAYYYYYIIIIIINNNNGGGG!

Villain Or Hero? Shoto Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now