Chap. 3

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School starts back up again. And I drag myself to school pondering over the last couple of days. I turn to Mike and say "hey, what if Fortnite were to become real? What then?"

"I don't know Cali. But I think that our life would become less complicated." he replies as I tilt my head and open my mouth to say something when he clears his throat and says " Our parents. You know. And maybe then, I could think of you as more than just an annoying sister." He cracks a smile and I make a move to whack him on the head. He ducks and laughs. "I'm not done with you, Michael!" I yell

"You can't catch me California!" he shouts and runs away leaving me to carry his bag. I sigh and sit on the curb of the street just outside my school when movement catches my eye(this is like an ' all the brightest places' meeting) and I see a girl. Maybe about my age, dirty blonde hair in braids that fell over her shoulders in such perfect way.

After sitting down for a while, I make a move to get up when she grabs my hand "don't leave me!" she cries whining like a child. I sit down and look at her "what is your name?" I ask becoming curious of who this girl is.

"Bella," she replies "what is yours?"

"Mine is Cali. what are you doing here love?" I ask. She shrugs and replies "just thinking." I sigh and get up saying "see you around love."

I sit down in my science class and pull out the notebook when the teacher says "pop quiz losers. Put your notebooks away." I look over and to my surprise I see Bella.


P.E. one of my favorite classes. But we are being separated into groups of three because we're doing relay races. Mrs.Coleman called out names

"Howler, Cohen, and Woods." Mrs. Colman Called. I walked to Both Carsyn and Bailey to group up.

" so whos the slowest and Mare everyone knows you're one of the faster people" Carsyn turns to Bailey

" oh. I think I'm the slowest!" Bailey yells

"Okay then... I'll go first. Cars you'll go second, and Bai-o you'll go last" I walked over to the basket and grabbed a rod. I don't know why but a flipped the rod.

"1, 2, 3 GET IN YOUR PLACES" Mrs. Coleman yelled out

"Okay le-go then," I said

"Lego?" Carsyn asked

"Ye le get"I responded I got to the line and found Alex.

"Hey Al" 

"Oh. hey, Marymoo"I felt attacked. She hasn't said that in years. I guess we're playing this game.

"Will good luck, Alex?" I said with a smirked

"ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO!" Mrs. Coleman yelled. God, she loves yelling, doesn't she.

"Mare!"Alex yelled catching up to me. I started to run faster. I turned and saw Carsyn

"CARSYN" I yelled. She saw me and got ready to get it. I lost my balance from the hole in the ground.

"SHIT. " I flipped the rod towers Carsyn just in case if a did fall. gladly I didn't and Carsyn ran once she got the rod

"Ow, mare you should really watch your step. Did you twist it"Alex asked worriedly

"Iḿ good. You don't need to worry about me you know. Now get done¨ I said. Alex did as a sad and got on one knee. I ran my fingers through her hair. I always calm her down.

"Hey, forgot to say hi to me this morning "no not Cassandra. I was having a good day with her not bothering me and being with Al.

"Hey, Cassandra... what are you doing here?" I looked at Al to know about what dance is doing here since Pipe is in dance. Only to see Al looking at Cass as if she was going to destroy her.

"Oh look your girlfriend is here too. Oh, and to answer your question dance has to watch P.E doing the relay races." Cass did her hair flip as she walked away. I look at the line where the next group should be coming and they were halfway here. Everyone yelled 'go___' or 'you can do it ___' for there teammates too faster. I never really yelled but I did say it

"Come on Bailey. you can do it."

"See ya Mare" Alex's then left. Bailey came a few seconds later.

Back with Caliy (also time skip)

" Finely lunch. Now time to look for Mare" walking around the lunch tables. I found Mare but she was with the popular kids and hid behind a pillar. A girl with blonde hair come behind her and pulled her hair back for her to look at her only to have Mare stabbing her arm.

"Mare~ you're so mean, is that how you treat your lover" the blonde let go of Mare and sat next to her

"I'm not your girlfriend" Mare took out her phone and took out her earbuds probably to listening to music. I ran to the other pillar to get closer

"Hello" I turned around as fast as I can and went for a punch only to have my fist in Mare's hand. How did she catch it

" * laugh* " Mare let my hand go and with my other hand, I punched her shoulder

" hey. It's your fault for spying on me" Mare said tiredly

" whatever love. But why was that blonde girl pulling your hair and calling your 'lover' and why can she call you lover but I can't call you love"I kind of yelled

"One, her name is Cassandra. Two, she likes pulling my hair so I can look at her, which I'm fine with. Three, I don't know why she calls me her lover but it annoys me a bit and I just gave up on you so call me love if you want," just as Mare finished my stomach growled and blushed.

"You want anything from the snack bar? And you have to come with me " she said as she walked away. I followed her and got my snack. I got to my table and Mare followed me there hopefully knowing that my group hates her.

"you do know that they hate you right?" I asked. I saw the group coming back from getting lunch

"Yep, and I see that there coming too. don't worry"

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