7. I Can't Believe You

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Afterschool w/ Hobi
3:35 p.m.

Where did you go, Yoongi? Where are you?

Me and Hobi looked everywhere for him. We asked Mrs. Yhao-Li where Yoongi said he was going. "Well, he told me he was going to head over to the nurse's office but that was hours ago." I cannot believe him right now. Me and Hobi both looked at each other. We knew that Yoongi definently did not go to the nurse's office.

I sat on the ground and pulled out my phone and texted Yoongi.

Yoongi-ah >:(


I waited a couple of minutes. Still no response. So I sent him another text.

Yoongi-ah >:(

(Y/N): Yoongi, where did you go? R U ok? Me and Hobi are worried about u! Come back pls :'(

I threw my phone down and held my head in my hands. Hobi sat down next to me and rubbed my back. "It's going to be okay, (Y/N). We'll find him." I layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Yoongi, please be okay. Please come back. We miss you. I miss you... </3

*Yoongi's POV*

I ended up leaving school. I told the receptionist that I had permission to leave early. She believed me and so I left. As soon as I stepped outside, I just started to run. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running. I felt a buzz on the side of my pants. It's coming from my phone. I stop running and pull my phone out of my pocket.

2 text messages from (Y/N).

I quickly openend her messages.

(Y/N) >:)


(Y/N): Yoongi, where did you go? R U ok? Me and Hobi are worried about u! Come back pls :'(

Hobi. Hobi. Hobi. I don't even wanna see his face anymore. I'll probably punch him. I can't believe you, Hobi! Urgh.

I sit down at the nearest bench and text Hobi. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

Hobi :3

Hobi: Where R U, Suga?

Yoongi: Why do u care?

Hobi: Bc you're my best friend, dude. You're like a brother to me.

Yoongi: Mhm yeah sure. -_-

Hobi: Dude, what's wrong with you? Did I do something?

Yoongi: Yeah, actually you did. I seen you flirting with (Y/N).

Hobi: What?! Ohh....

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