3 - Going Undercover

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Chapter 3 – Going Undercover


                "You're doing what?!" I asked Allyson, still not believing what I just heard.

                "You heard me. We can't have any more 'hiccups', so I'm doing the task myself," she said matter-of-factly. Nothing good ever came out of her doing the tasks. When she does, it doesn't end well for the minions' side. Minions are what I call the people working for us.

                I stare at the back of her chair in disbelief. She can't do this. There's a lot on her plate right now. Tasks that are more important are starting to pile up because of this whole I-need-Austin-and-I-need-him-now thing. Why Allyson is so keen on getting this person was beyond me. All I know is that nothing is going to change her mind about getting him. However, doing it herself and neglecting the matters at hand in the process? Just who does she think this Austin kid is?

                "What about the order assignments?" I asked cautiously.

                "I'd still be able to do them," she was facing me now, looking me in the eye. Although I know she's great and talented and all of that crap, she still has her limits. I know she wouldn't be able to do all of the assignments and get Austin. Someone else has to do it. She needs to realize that, too. If only I know someone who'd be up for the job...

                "What if I handle this whole Austin deal? I'm the best of the best. I don't even understand why you didn't give this to me in the first place."

                There was a short silence. Allyson was just looking at me, which made me uncomfortable. Who knows what's going on in her mind right now?

                You would. You two are exactly alike... a voice inside my head said. Yeah, but I am better, I shot back.

                I hope that Allyson was considering my suggestion. Some part of me just knows I had to be the one doing this. No one else can.

                Finally, Allyson shifter her gaze and said, "Fine, but you know what will happen if you don't succeed. Now go, before I change my mind," and with that she turned her back on me.

                That is all I needed to hear.


                The following weeks consisted of paperwork, calls, meet-ups, and more paperwork. For my plan to work, I must not seem suspicious. I will enroll in Austin's university, make him my best friend, and then lure him in. It helped that we were about the same age. That way, I can arrange to be in the same classes as him. Moreover, being in the same university as him makes it more likely to become closer to him.

                I look at the university's brochure...  Your Guide To Harvard Law School.

                 If it weren't for Allyson's connections, getting inside this very prestigious school would be impossible. Of course, I am not going in here as a student – that is just a cover-up story. The real deal is that I am undercover. Have you ever watched 21 Jump Street? It's kind of like that. The only difference is they actually have a law breaking dude to catch and what I'm doing is on the borderline of illegal. I get away with it because I used to be a narcotics cop and we have friends over at the CIA and Allyson's got them wrapped around her finger. That girl is scarily deceitful and manipulative, like me. We can ask someone to do the craziest things and they won't be even aware of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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