Speed - Chapter 1

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The restaurant was dimly lit, a collection of small tables with two seats at each. The word intimate might have been appropriate. Rainbow decorations sat on stands in the middle of each table, a rainbow flag covering a large section of one wall, and a selection of banners representing different orientations hung down another wall. The room was filled with women of every shape, color, size, but all women. It was June in National City.

"Gay," Alex said succinctly, her arms crossed as she stood just inside the restaurant.

"Alex." Kara elbowed her sister, shaking her head. "Stop it."

"Hey, I'm allowed to say it. This place looks gay. That's not a slur. That's a fact."

Kara sighed. "It's supposed to look gay. That's the point. They're advertising."

"I know, Kara, but it looks ... gay."

Glaring at her sister, Kara said, "We're not leaving."

"Yeah, but—"

"No. We've discussed this. You're ready. It's time."

Alex's arms dropped to her sides, and her attitude dropped with them. "But what if I'm not ... What if I'm not ready to get out there again?"

"Hey." Gently squeezing Alex's upper arm, Kara smiled. "That's why you're not alone. I won't be far tonight. Plus, if you make an idiot of yourself, it will only be for a few minutes."

Alex sighed. "Gee, thanks. You really know how to make your big sister feel better."

Kara giggled, throwing an arm around Alex's shoulder and pulling her in closer. "How about I buy you a beer at the bar. Will that make you feel better?"

"Let's find out."

Smiling, the sisters headed to the bar and quickly disappeared among the rest of the patrons.

It was soon after that two more women entered the restaurant. One was tall and brunette with tan skin and long legs. The other a few inches shorter, her hair even darker but her skin quite pale. Both were beautiful, and in that crowd, they immediately garnered some attention.

Freezing up just inside the door, Lena shook her head. "I changed my mind. I'm going home." She had only managed a single step before a strong hand was wrapped around her upper arm, and her CFO was drawing her back.

"Lena, we talked about this," Sam said.

"Yes, yes we did. You said I needed to get out and date, and I said the rich recluse image had served me well to date, so why mess with success."

Sam chuckled. "Then I said that was bullshit. Your life is not serving you well; it's serving your business well but not your happiness. You need to get out and meet people, find your happiness before you end up alone like your mother and your brother."

Frowning, Lena replied, "My mother and my brother are in solitary confinement."

"See, alone." Sam smiled, looping her arm through Lena's and pulling the other woman further into the restaurant. "This is the perfect opportunity for you to meet a bunch of women but not be forced into a long, uncomfortable situation."

"Several short, uncomfortable conversations are not ideal either, Samantha."

"Oh, hey, watch it with the full first name. Soon we'll be full name using, and those are fighting words." Sliding her arm around Lena's shoulder, Sam smiled. "Now, we already have our tickets and numbers. Let's just go over to the bar, order a drink, and relax until the event starts."

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