CH.5 Milky and Bad Dreams

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Mallie had dozed off into her head...All bundled up in her comfy bed. It was quiet. Besides her fan, blowing on her. Mallie looked at her clock one last time before she went to sleep. {11:30 PM} Mallie closed her eyes, and she had fallen asleep. Before she went to bed, she had wished to only have one dream tonight. The dream she had...was a Nightmare. Into the dream....•°•.•°•.•°•.•°•....
....•°•...Mallie was still in her bed. It was a stormy night. The scenery seemed like the same scenery as it was in her real life bedroom right now. She had woken up to the sound of crackling thunder. Then...¤BOOM!¤ lightning had struck her house. All of the power went out, but thank goodness she had a flashlight with her. She turned on the flashlight, pointed it towards her door, and had walked towards her door. She opened the door, and had seen her regular ol' hallway. It was dark, and Mallie was scared...of the dark. She walked out, with her flashlight. She was sneakingly walking to Spooky's room...she managed. Mallie had opened the door...She looked around inside, then she flashed her light at Spooky's Bed. .......Spooky wasn't there. Mallie shined the flashlight at Spooky's closet, because she had heard a noise. Mallie was shaking of literal fear...she didn't know why...she slowly opened the closet door...Mallie had shined the light at the corner of the closet, and she saw Spooky, crying. Mallie slowly walked towards Spooky. She tapped Spooky's shoulder, then...Mallie couldn't move. She was too scared. Spooky stood up, turned around to see Mallie, and Mallie had nearly milked all of her fear right out of her.

Spooky's eyes were gouged out as they were replaced with gaping holes of blood pouring down her face. Spooky's mouth was in a locked smile. A Wide, Scary smile. Mallie had seen blood on Spooky's teeth. It was dripping all over the floor. Mallie was finally able to move. She ran as fast as she could towards the door, but the door had slammed shut and locked itself before Mallie could escape. Mallie tried unlocking the door, but it wouldn't budge. She had then crouched down in the corner, hiding her face. Mallie was crying of fear, She heard loud, distorted screams, and it was getting closer to her. Spooky was standing right in front of Mallie. Mallie's head had been forced to look at Spooky's wretched face. Mallie was crying even more. Mallie started to scream. Spooky's distorted screaming had gotten louder. Spooky's face got even more wretched, to where her skin was peeling off of her face. Her wide smile had changed to an open, endless looking, grin. Mallie was screaming and crying even more. Mallie started to float, by force. Spooky was floating, too. Spooky shoved Mallie to the wall, and Spooky's head was spazzing out. Mallie continued her screams of fear. Spooky's head had darted at Mallie's face.

Mallie instantly woke up from this wretched nightmare, breathing heavily, and holding her chest. She looked at her clock, only to see it flashing {1:42 AM}. She darted for her lamp, she flipped the switch for it turn on, but it wouldn't. She went to see the power cord of it, unplugged. She heard a noise. Mallie looked up to the corner of her room, to see a short, shadow figure. Mallie had said quietly, "W...W-Who are you..!?" The Shadow didn't respond. Mallie quickly went to plug the lamp back in, she managed to, but didn't turn it on. While she plugged the lamp back in, she heard running. Mallie poked hear head back up to see where the shadow was. It wasn't back where it was, it was gone. Mallie had felt scared, again. And then....she felt breathing on her neck.

The shadow had then yelled, "SKRAAAAA!!!!" in Mallie's ears. Mallie had instantly Screamed, "AAAAHHHHHHHHHAHAAAAAAA!!!" and it echoed throughout the whole house. The shadow turned on the lamp, only to reveal that the shadow was Spooky. Spooky had fell on the floor, laughing. Hard. Mallie had looked at Spooky, and boy, wasn't Mallie ANGRY. Mallie was so angry, that she had went OFF on Spooky. "DID YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THAT WAS FUNNY!? YOU COULD'VE GIVEN ME A HEART ATTACK!! YOU JERK!!! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" Mallie had then taken her hard and heavy pillow, and chucked it at Spooky with all of her force. ((yEET)) Spooky's eyes widened just as the pillow had hit her HARD in her head. Spooky got the pillow off of her, and she had started to cry instantly. "AHH!!! OW-HA-HA-HOWWW!!" Spooky held the side of her head with both hands, crying a puddle of tears on the carpet. Mallie's eyes had widened as she instantly got up and crouched down on the floor to help Spooky. Spooky was weak, so she didn't decide to hit nor scream at Mallie back. "Oh..ooh...sorry!! Here...let me see it..." Mallie had said. Spooky put her hands aside to show Mallie a deep red bruise on the side of Spooky's head. Mallie had heard footsteps at her door, Mallie had instantly whipped her head to see two feet at the bottom of her door.

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