Silena nudges (or shoves) Percico in the right Direction

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Ah well here I am, 10 YEARS LATER. Well.... good job me.

(I'm failing life) Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Nico's POV

Waking up I almost had a heart attack. There was something lying on my chest. I sat up abruptly, and it rolled off me as I looked around, dizzy from the sudden movement.

Whoops. I totally forgot Percy was here. I let myself stare for a minute, mesmerised by his cute features. I gently brushed some locks of hair off his brow, smiling to myself. He looked so serene, so vulnerable and young when he slept, nothing like the fiery energetic ball of energy he was yesterday. His cute button nose, kissable rosy red lips (Wait, kissable lips? Excuse me, when did I start to think like that?) heart shaped face with slightly pointed chin, and long lashes framing his face all contributed to his overall enchantment. I blamed them for my infatuation with the boy. 

I sighed contently, continuing to stroke his hair fondly. All too soon he was yawning and stretching, starting to come to his senses. I resented the fact he had to get back to his tank soon. Ugh, his tank, his enclosure. He wasn't some animal to be put on display, he was an intelligent being, an amazing person. (It didn't hurt he was dam hot)

Still, there was nothing I could do about it now.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I said as he groaned.

"Really? Morning already? How about we just go back to sleep..." He said in answer, already closing his eyes and curling up into a tiny ball.

"Nope." I chirped, shaking him. "We'll have better luck sneaking you back in now then when everyone is awake and moving around the castle," I reminded him

"Hmph. Don't wanna." He whined childishly. I groaned internally, racking my brains for something to entice him into coming.

"Come on Perce, we need to get going, soon they'll wake up!" I pleaded, trying and failing to force him to stand. He flopped back down to the ground and refused to budge, so I resorted to bribery.

"We'll get some food on the way..." I told him.

Immediately he perked up, jumped to his feet, and looked at me expectantly.

I grinned. What fabulous persuasion skills I had. When I didn't move (because I was basking in the glory of how great I was) he tugged me along, out of the cave.

I laughed loudly.

"Okay, okay, Percy, we're going to get food, promise," I said, amused.

We headed back towards the castle in more or less silence, with a few squeaks and various other noises from Percy, and a few laughs from me.

As the castle drew near, I became more subdued, dreading going back to my dull life, full of princely duties and wife offerings. I reminded myself that it wouldn't be the end, I could still see Percy again, but I couldn't suppress a sigh as we went in a back door meant for servants use.

Percy looked at me, a frown creasing his forehead in concern.

I shook myself out of it, and managed to produce a small smile.

"Come on Percy, I'll take you to the kitchens to steal some food from the staff before they serve it up," I told him, grinning slyly.

Excited at the prospect of food, he sped up, running ahead of me. I patiently walked along at the same pace, waiting for him to realise. Soon we were walking side by side again, as he had turned around and ran back to where I was walking.

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