Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV

I woke up around 3 in the morning, for some reason I couldn't sleep. But waking up at 3 was the usual for me now, I don't know why but my body is telling me that there's something to wake up for this early in the morning. For the past few months I've had this anxious feeling that something dark was coming. I didn't know what but I just could feel it.

I took the covers off my bed and quickly got up. I might as well should start getting ready for work anyway since it starts at 7. I took a long hot shower and started having deep thoughts about Malcolm. It had been almost four months since I'd broken up with him and I always worried about him. I love Malcolm with all of my heart but I was so tired of his party ways. I needed to be serious and focus on my career, my life, my dreams. But when I think of me breaking up with Mac I'm glad I did because if I didn't I would've never met Pete.

Pete Davidson is the most sweetest nicest guy to ever exist on this world. I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. He makes me laugh and I don't care what people say about him, because I love him.

As I was scrubbing my hair I smiled just thinking about him, tonight I am going to his house. So obviously I had to take a shower to prepare because I wouldn't have time after work.
After I showered I dried my hair with a towel and started on my makeup. It took me about an hour and then another hour and a half for me to dry and do my hair in my usual high ponytail. I put on my regular clothes for rehearsal later today.

It was 5 in the morning when I started making my breakfast and that's when I got a call from Victoria.

"Girl, why are you up so early?" She asked me scratching her hair with her pink stiletto nail.

"I just couldn't sleep, and the real today" I told her as I sipped on my coffee waiting for my eggos to be done.

"That sucks, I've got to get to the studio later today, will I see you there?" She asked me.

"I can't today, I think Tayla is going though," I told her.

She rolled her eyes at me and I knew she was disappointed in me.

"Ari you have a beautiful voice and if you are really serious about pursuing music then you would come" She said before heading back to her room.

I did want to do music but I had to be realistic right now I had to focus on my day job.

Unfortunately that was Starbucks...

At Starbucks I made drinks and daydreamed about what it would be like to go to space and wonder what a cloud feels like.

Until I was rudely awoken into reality again by a boy wearing sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses inside a building and the weather was gloomy to even be wearing them anyway.

"Uh hello? I've been trying to get your attention for five seconds now," he said in an annoyed tone he had a British accent but the cuteness of that went away when he started snapping his fingers.

I put on a fake smile and looked at the register.

"You don't need to snap I was listening, so what can I get you?" I asked the man.

I had finally looked up and standing in front of me was a tall guy with black hair, neck tattoos, and a nose ring. He was wearing a black jacket and black sunglasses.

What kind of a deuche wears sunglasses indoors I thought to myself. All these LA boys were the same, and it was tiring having to serve most of them.

"Can I get a grande black coffee" he asked while he rubbed his temples.

This guy must've had a hang over that only coffee could fix.

"Yes and can I get you anything else?" I asked typing his order into the screen on the register.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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