Chapter 1

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"START PACKING!" my mother yelled to my father. "Ok ok, you don't need to yell!" said my father in a calmer voice.

My mother and father always argue. Even over the silliest things. Like, who would take a shower first. They were so loud that I closed my door and played some music on my ipod. When that didn't work I yelled, "Stop your bickering!" Suddenly the living room was silent. "That's better" I thought to myself.

"Oh my God!"

"It's Greysons baseball game today!" "He really wanted me to go watch him play!" Greyson is my best friend. I met him in second grade. He is super cute! The way his hair comes down over his eyes, the way his mouth moves when he talks, sometimes I get lost in the conversation and day dream about the day that I finally kiss him.

And his eyes are beautiful hazel.

So I climbed out of the window and ran off to his house. When I took my first step outside I realized that the moving truck had just arrived to take some of our furniture to the new house.

On my way to Greyson's house I saw Mrs. Johnson walking her dog Tuck. Mrs. Johnson is my neighbor from across the street. "Morning Mrs. Johnson" I muttered. "Why hello darling!" she said in a raspy voice.

"What might you be up to?"

"I am just going to watch my best friend's baseball game."

"That's nice dear!""I hear you are moving in two days!"

"Yeah, we've been wanting to move for years now!"

"Where are you moving to?"

"Oh, just that old place down the street, the one next to Vons."

"You mean that brick house?"

"Yeah." I said in a curious way.

"I heard that years back a little boy about your age died there and people who have lived there in the past say that there is a curse on that house."

"That's weird. I said in a shakey, voice and when I was about to say another word she was gone.

As I was walking to Greyson's, I kept thinking about what Mrs. Johnson said. Maybe that's why we got the house so cheap. I decided that I wasn't going to go to Greyson's game. I went back home and the moving truck was just about to leave.

So I decided to follow it to the house.

After running at least a half a mile, I finally made it to the house. "Wow, it looks much older in person." I thought to myself.

I had to catch my breath for a minute. Then, when no one was looking, I bolted from behind the moving truck and opened the door. "I can't believe this is the house of my parent's dreams." It was dusty and there were cobwebs everywhere. "Maybe it really is haunted." I mumbled.

I went walking through the house and I went to go see which room might be mine. I figured that the smaller room would probably be mine. I went into the smaller room and looked around. It had a nice walk in closet and had enough room for my bed and dresser. Suddenly I realized a round looking thing on the wall.

I went to take a closer look and I realized it was a doorknob. So I grabbed hold of it and pulled. Nothing happened. I tried again but this time I twisted the doorknob and pulled,and this time,the wall started to split and then when the wall which seemed like a door, opened. It was dark on the other side. It seemed like a basement

I took one step inside and thought I heard a quiet but raspy voice say,


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