Talk Too Much

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You know all of those sappy songs about that magical moment when you see the one that you're going to marry? Yeah, they're all lies. I was at a party, one that I really didn't want to be at. A friend of mine had dragged me along in the hopes that maybe I'd get out of the funk I'd been in. I mean you really couldn't blame me, I was young and my girlfriend had just dumped me in the most unfeeling way she could have possible thought of, over text. Yet, during that party, through the haze of laughter, slurred words and pulsing music, my girlfriend seemed to fade as someone else came into view.

I could feel my lips curl up into a slight smirk. My friends had always told me that it made me look cocky and showy but I couldn't help it. Bright black eyes held my stare in the most intoxicating way possible.

"Well, aren't you a sad soul?" her cheshire cat smile enticed me and I felt myself wake up. Maybe I was tipsy but she seemed to have an unearthly glow to her, as if she was angel of sorts.

"No, just restful I guess." I scratched the back of my head and glanced away in a calculated way that was meant to look casual. I could almost hear the cogs whir in her brain as she herself calculated her best bet to get my number.

"Funnily enough so am I." The relatable route, how common. "A friend of mine dragged me here, said it would be good for me to get out of the house a bit more." She certainly didn't seem introverted in anyway but I could see small signs of a home loving personality. While every other girl here was taking advantage of the summer heat to show off in their bikinis, this girl wore a pair of denim shorts with a loose collared shirt tied and half buttoned over her torso.

"Similar story here, not sure if I like it here or not. Can't make my mind up, now what does that say about me?" I tried to confuse her or put her off but instead she smiled a bit wider as if this was something she'd wanted me to say.

"How 'bout you don't make your mind up?" she cocked her brow up, daring me.

"What are you trying to say?" I leaned back against the wall and crossed my arms, instinctively defensive.

"No need to stress, I'm just saying you should get out of here." She turns on her heel and walks away from me. For a second I think I've blown it, scared her off for good, but then she turns her head back slightly and smirks at my surprise. "You coming?"

Following her through the darkened streets is exhilarating in a way I'd never thought possible. In the moonlight, her dark hair shines in an almost luminescent way but as the clouds move towards the moon she disappears for a second before reappearing again further away. I make my way to her only to realise she'd disappeared again and hear her laugh somewhere slightly further away. This little game of cat and mouse continued on until she finally ran back to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, it's not too far from here." With my hand still in hers we sprinted forward, for a moment everything was pitch black, as the moon hid from us again, but then I started to hear the sound of waves and felt sand underneath my feet. I hadn't realised how close we were to the coast.

"Midnight swim!" she said with a laugh. For a second I was ready to but I thought better of it and sat myself down so that my toes could feel the water. I lean back and look at her silhouette against the moonlight.

"You go ahead, I'll stay here. Restful soul, you know?" I say it with a small grin. She looks at me for a moment before quickly unbuttoning her shirt and slipping her shorts off to reveal her own white bikini clad body. Then with a smug smile and a final glance at me she quickly waded into the water before ducking under. She bobbed up some distance away before leaning back to float as the waves carried her back to me.

She strutted out of water with confidence but with grace and dignity that would rival a queen's. "I know you enjoyed the show but you can pick your jaw off the ground now, it's not a particularly attractive look for you." She laughed and put her shorts back on. She put her shirt on but left the front fully unbuttoned so she could dry off. Determined to not look anywhere in that area I kept my eyes fixed on hers, easier said than done

"Quite daring, huh?" My eyes watched water droplets slowly drip from her slicked back hair onto her shirt and slowly spread.

"Only for you." I don't know why this small remark had affected me in the way it had. Suddenly it seemed like every cell of my body was on fire and it definitely wasn't from the heat. I was lost for words, stunned into silence. She just smiled, as if she knew my thoughts.

"You talk too much." It was the first thing that came to mind, I would have thoroughly regretted saying it if not for what happened next.

"Then shut me up." I knew what the words meant, I knew what she wanted. For a second I was just frozen but then her hand came in contact with my leg and I was jolted into action. Kissing her was on a whole new level compared to kissing my old girlfriend, like drinking water all your life and discovering vodka.

She broke away and smirked at me. "You read my mind."

"You're too talkative." I kissed her again and smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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