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Jeremy rolled over onto his side to find Michael, with his dark hair messy and his glasses askew, sleeping on the floor of the latter's basement, one arm draped around Jeremy's chest. A warmth danced in Jeremy's heart, his brain sent into overdrive by the sight of the other sleeping teenager. Jeremy grinned softly, intertwining his finger's with Michael's and closing his eyes again.

When the two finally woke up for real, Jeremy sat up, his blanket around his shoulders and chest, lightly pushing Michael's shoulder, trying to get him to sit up. "Hey, Micha. Get up, you lazy fucker," he mumbled sleepily, a teasing smirk playing on his face.

"Good morning to you too." Michael sat up, grinning and pushing his glasses onto his face with the hand that wasn't holding Jeremy's. It took a moment for the two to realize they were holding hands, but when they looked down, it took even longer for them to let go.

"God, what happened last night?" Michael sighed, laying back down on the floor. "Weren't we up until two in the morning trying to beat that one level?"

"Y-yeah, I think so." Jeremy shrugged, looking down at the tired boy laying next to him. He felt like starting the day by trying to beat that accursed level once and for all. "I mean... your parents are out of the house, and we're just here in the basement..."

Michael snorted. It took Jeremy a few seconds to realize what he had said sounded a lot like... oh, shit.

"G-get your mind out of the gutter!" Jeremy squeaked, gently shoving a giggling Michael. "You know th-that isn't what I meant! We aren't even d-d-dating!" Jeremy felt his face heat up as he looked at his best friend, who by this point was nearly cackling. "I... I'm not that much of a horny teen," he added, his face a dark red.

"Yeah, okay." Michael continued to laugh his ass off, wiping away tears. "That's a massive lie. Didn't you masturbate to me once?"

"...Michael, I swear to God." Jeremy shoved Michael again. "I wasn't masturbating to you, I was watching porn while in a call with you, Jesus Christ." The truth was, he just wanted an excuse to masturbate while talking to Michael.

Once Michael had finally finished laughing, he looked at Jeremy, who looked back at him. They stared at each other in peaceful silence for a little bit, before Jeremy ruined the moment by saying "dude, this is hella fuckin' gay."

All of a sudden, Michael found himself on the floor again, crying with laughter, except this time he was accompanied by Jeremy, who was doubled over, clutching his stomach. The blanket draped around him had fallen off, revealing that he had been wearing Michael's hoodie the whole night.

Once Michael had sat back up and looked back over at Jeremy, his face twisted from hysteria to something more like adoration and amusement. "Dude... why the hell did you steal my hoodie?"

"Because it's warm and soft and it smells like safety so it's mine now," Jeremy retorted, giggling and pulling up the hood, to cover his messy, caramel-coulored hair.

Michael gazed fondly at his best friend. "Well, no homo, but you look super fucking cute in that hoodie. Like, I should just let you keep it, it looks so adorable."

Jeremy felt himself blush again. Cute. His crush had just said he looked cute. Jeremy was wearing his crush's hoodie. And said crush had told him that he looked "super fucking cute" in said hoodie.

It took a second for Jeremy to remember how to breathe again.

"Dude, are you okay?" Michael waved a hand in front of Jeremy's reddening face, trying to bring him back to earth. "Jeremiah Heere? Hello?" Michael laughed. "Dude, are you really that embarrassed by me calling you cute?"

Jeremy fidgeted with the sleeves of the hoodie. "Maybe..." Michael laughed again, and pulled Jeremy's face towards his, an innocent, flirty smile dancing on his face.

Michael moved his hand from Jeremy's chin to his cheek, starting to lean in a bit more. "Well... no homo, but- you know what? Fuck that." Michael smirked. "Full homo." With his free hand, he pulled down Jeremy's hood and entangled his fingers in Jeremy's soft hair. He pulled Jeremy a bit closer to him, to the point where their noses were almost touching. "I think you're the most adorable person I have yet to see, no matter what." And with that remark, Michael pressed his lips against Jeremy's.

Jeremy almost toppled backwards, but somehow managed not to die on the spot, and instead put one hand on Michael's shoulder and the other on the back of his neck as he cuddled up against Michael, pulling him closer. He let his eyes flutter shut, softly kissing Michael back. Every part of his body was screaming and congratulating him, fireworks were exploding in his furiously pounding heart, his lungs seemed to forget how to be lungs, his limbs were shaking, and his brain began to plummet as he savoured the moment, the moment he wished would last forever.

Michael kissed him a bit harder, causing a soft whine to escape out of the back of Jeremy's throat. Michael smiled into the kiss, eventually pulling away, snickering.

"Dude... are you seriously turned on right now? I mean, don't think I don't remember what I said earlier," he joked, causing Jeremy to somehow turn even more red as he buried his face into Michael's shoulder. Michael grinned and wrapped his arms around Jeremy's waist.

"I love you, Jere."

"I love you too, Micha."

"Now give me back my hoodie."

"No, fuck off."

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