I - Mortified

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          Song: Liars - Other side of Mt. Heart Attack 

          Let me ask you, what do you think werewolves are? Are they the fictional creatures, considered mysterious, dark, and lead by a single Alpha?

    Werewolves are feral beings that seek one thing and one thing only in this world. This would be what humans would consider a soul mate. We crave the wolf that will be our second half, the wolf who will be bound to us. Without them, it's like trying to breathe underwater.

    Ever since I was little, this was pounded into my head. I would find my Bound, and everything would be as it should. I couldn't help that I was different from other wolves, that I was imperfect. I simply didn't know. I did not have that killer instinct that was needed to be considered an Alpha-Female. In my depression, I turned to eating as a relief.

   Though I never denounced my wolf, I did try to push her to the back of my mind, trying to forget what I was, and it worked. My mother supported me my choice, and my father was also supportive. I think it hurt him, that his only daughter seem to renounce the fact that she was born a wolf. I was a high born wolf that would be bound to an Alpha. It just felt like I was a failure.

    I was a failure, a fat one. I know a Wolf should be in the best of shape, but when one pushes away its wolf, it's kind of like putting a smoker in a room full of cigarettes even if they've stopped, they will eventually succumb to it. That's what happened to me, eating became my addiction, a way to bury the pain.

    Even though today was my eighteenth birthday, I was not overjoyed when it was announced that I would be searching for my bound. It was terrifying, and I just wanted to hide. Although I was a sad excuse for a wolf, my parents thought if I was to find my Bound, I would be a little more complacent about being a Wolf.

   Like the loving parents they are, they managed to invite a handful of eligible Alphas. The most self-righteous of all the damned wolves in the world. They ruled the society that I had been born into. Currently, I was having my heart stamped out by the very being that was supposed to be my other half, the one that made everything better.

"You heard me, get out of my sight you trash." He hissed at me, and I stood looking at the thing that was supposed to be mine. His features were pulled up in disgust, and I felt the fear that I had thought I had forgot.

       Wrapping my chubby arms around myself, I couldn't move my feet. We were standing out in the lawn of my father’s mansion. His beautiful Obsidian hair was spiked every which way, and his once green eyes were leaking gold.

       "But, why?" I asked him, and he looked at me like I was brain dead. As far as I knew, I was very much alive even though a part of me felt so dead that I thought that I saw the pearly gates of heaven in the far distant skies.

   There was no such pearly gates, just a very pissed off Wolf that was sexy in his own rights. He was glaring at me, his teeth had become one of a wolf’s and he looked at me with utter hate.

"You’re not an Alpha-Female. You’re not even a wolf, and to bat, you’re a fat disgusting girl that wallows in her own self-pity. How do you expect to lead a pack with me, much less a continent of wolves?" He questioned me, and I fell to my knees. Where was my brother, were was anyone?

   I just wanted someone to save me from this hellish nightmare that was staring me right in the face. He was saying everything that I already knew, but it still hurt like someone was driving silver into my skin.

"Please, I know... I know I can't be what you want me to be," I felt huge tears roll down my face, " but let me try, please don't do this…” I trailed off and hung my head. My shining tears fell into the grass that was underneath my hands.

"You can't be my Queen, much less my Bound, I am doing this for the good of the Wolves." He told me, and I heard him move down towards me placing a hand under my chin.

    After that quick gesture, he quickly withdrew it, and I felt a wildfire-like burn on my skin from that small touch. With tears, still running down my face, I managed to pull my head up and look at him. His eyes were engulfed by the golden hue.

"Please, I beg you, don't.” I cry out. I couldn't handle it. It would tear apart the little piece that was left of me.

"I’ll have you know, that I am sorry, but I just can't be with you. How you currently are, that is." He told me, and I heard genuine concern, but it was torn from my soul when I heard the words that haunt me to this day.

"Harmony Kinsley Faye," he placed a hand on my cheek and flames of passion licked up my body. They were soon to be quenched by the pain, "I sever the bond that is connecting us.” he stated, and I felt a sharp pain wedge itself into my stomach, like someone had taken a cattle prod and shoved it in me.

"Ah..." I moaned out and placed a hand over my heart. I felt the connection start to fizzle and fade. It was a horrible feeling, one that I prayed would just stop.

"All you have to do is renounce me. That's all you have to do and the pain will stop." he told me and rubbed a hand on my back. Something feral crawled into my mind. Something that I thought I locked away a long time ago.

"Get the hell away from me." I snapped at him, slapping away the hand. The warmth was still there and the lingering feeling of his hand still fresh on my skin. I spat in disgust at him, he was too nice, too calm, and too emotionless.

"Like I said, just renounce it and the pain will be forgotten." He said standing up. I turned my head up towards him. I felt blood drip from my chest and realized that my claws were digging into my chest.

"And what, have the empty hole of nothing?!" I challenged him, and he looked at me the disgust lacing his features. I shrank down into the grass.

"Don't talk to me like we are equals." He spat and turned, walking away. I howled the pain erupting in my body again, and I just wanted it all to be over. The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't, no, I wouldn't.

    Sucking on my lip to stop the tears, I looked down at my hand which was covered in my own blood. As I wiped it on my dress, a thought crossed my mind. A dark thought, one that no one sensible, much less the daughter of an Alpha, would do. Staring at his retreating figure that had reached the house, I thought about everything.

     What would my parent's do, and my brother? It all weighed on me, and I knew that I had only one choice. I would be known as the reject, the one who disappeared into the night. Pushing myself up on my feet, I turned my body away from the life I knew and forced myself to shift. It'd been year since I last had, and I didn't even know if I could.

     Falling to my hands and knees, I felt the cracking of bone. I muffled a scream by biting into my lip as the skin began to tear, and bones began to shift. Huffing, I felt my wolf. She was weak, we were both were, but I wasn't going to stop now.

      Pushing up onto a newly formed paws, I howled into the night air. Taking off into the woods, heading far away, towards the end of our territory. I reached the border, already feeling winded, but I wasn't about to stop. Forcing myself to step across the barrier and head towards the unclaimed lands. I ran away from my problems and towards a new beginning.


          A/N: So this is my New book that is a revision of my story called Payback for My Dear Alpha. So please comment and let me know what you think so far. And ladies and Gentlemen it's not hard to do. Just press the wonderful star and don't be a Silent Reader. It's not like I am asking you to sell your organs on the black market. 

A Wolf's Revenge #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now